Chapter 8

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Oh no. Oh no.

This is bad. 

How could this happen? I left the window open so I could jump back in, but now it''s closed. And I can't open it from the outside.

I mean I could go through the front door, but they'll know I was gone. Plus, that doorknob is too difficult for me to manage. 

I could sit outside the door and cry for help, but that's just the same thing as getting caught. Gary can't know I left the house. If he does, then I will probably die.

"Kom, Harriet!" Petra called to her dog. The dog stupidly obeyed Petra's commands. How could animals just aline with their so-called owners? They have minds too. They're just like everyone else. But others don't understand that, do they?

Back to the current situation, I AM STUCK.

What do I do? What do I do? Oh my god, what should I do?

Okay, okay, calm down Ms. Tilly, think rationally

What would Susie do? Or Gary? Hell, what would Petra do?

Susie would probably stroll in the house because why would she care? She's almost as old as me, but she has kids. Wait she's a mother; mothers would want to keep their children inside at all times and protect them from this cruel world that we call Earth. That would lead to Gary, technically as my caregiver (even though he's only three years older) and caregivers are similar to mothers or fathers. OH MY GOD GARY IS MY MOTHER.

Wait, what?

What kind of conclusion is that?

Continuing on who would do what, what would Petra do? I mean, I barely know her, but maybe my subconscious could actually make Petra seem useful.

Okay. Okay.

Work your magic subconscious. 


'Maybe knock on the door and offer them some delicious Dutch donuts?'

That's a ridiculous idea! Where am I going to get Dutch donuts at this hour?

Subconscious Petra sucks. 

Alright, so everyone I basically know is crossed off my mental list.

So what now?

Hold on...

The teenage girls. 

Teenage girls are sneaky. They're always getting into trouble with Gary knowing. Maybe I could steal one of their pesky tricks.

Let me think...

When Mackenzie was thirteen, she snuck in a box turtle in the house for like a week without Gary knowing. But how am I going to get a turtle?


"Ms. Tilly? Where has Ms. Tilly gone?" I heard Taylor shout my name.

Oh no. They've started looking for me. 

Maybe they'll call the police and have them come looking for me! Then I'll be in huge trouble.

"That's weird, I can't find her either. Ms. Tilly?" Mackenzie replied and began searching too. I heard Ivan babble something close to my name, he's probably searching for me too.

Perhaps I could smash through the window and say I was THROWN IN BY A F5 TORNADO. That'd work. With this psycho weather, I'm sure they'd believe me if I told them it was raining cats and dogs. 

I trotted towards the side of the house, trying to find a window suitable enough for me to break through. My eye was caught the living room window. Perfect.

I reeled my body back, warming up for the big jump and


So it completely left my mind that we have bulletproof windows. However, it did catch their eyes.

"What the hell was that?" Taylor jumped when she heard me failing at life. Gary paused from thanking Petra for the date and came to see what the commotion was. He opened the window with confusion and glanced around, suspecting someone threw a brick, but no, it was just me.

He peered down and saw me laying on my back like an idiot with a goofy grin on my face. "Hi," I blinked out, trying to fill in the awkward silence.

"What the hell, Ms. Tilly! Where were you?" Gary screeched at me as he pulled me through the opening.

The air inside the house was warm and comfy compared to the brisk night of unwelcomingness. I felt safe once I entered the atmosphere I call home.

"Did--she..break out?" Petra asked in her broken English. Gary shook his head, he was so confused. I mean, I can't blame him.

But serves him right for being...?


For lying to his mom when he was a kid! Ha! Karma!

I never did answer Gary's rhetorical question, instead, I zoomed through the house and banged my head into a door. But that didn't stop me from running away from my problems.


Whoops! That took longer than I anticipated. (Also, this a shorter chapter because of writer's block)

Haha, just kidding, I'm just a procrastinating loser. I am deeply sorry for not posting in like what, 2 months? School is actually grabbing my tail and throwing me across the room like I'm some bat. I've been so tied up with homework, exams, finals you name it. But hey, I've got a 4.0 GPA, so there's that.

I'll try posting next week. If I don't, I'm probably dead. 

Anyway, thanks for reading, and if you want to let me know that I'm doing okay (with writing, not consistency, lol) then feel free to comment, VOTE, or y'know message me, because I get lonely.

Bye, I love you guys (that wasn't a joke unlike this author's note)


Ms. TillyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora