Chapter 6

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There was a small knock on the front door. Gary opened it and, no surprise, it was Petra. 

Petra wore a pastel blue shirt and skirt. The skirt was kind of tight, but luckily, it went down to her knees. I would be lying if I said she didn't look good. I was actually impressed.

Rare for me to be impressed, right?

I don't think I was the only one thinking she looked good, because Gary begged to differ.

Gary's jaw was basically on the floor. "Gary, close your mouth, you'll catch a fly," I snorted. 

Petra gave her sweet smile to Gary and the kids. She tapped her phone and the monotone voice spoke again. "You all look beautiful." They were all flattered, well except Ivan, he didn't understand.

What I like about Petra is that she didn't give an odd vibe like Helen did. Petra shared her sweetness, Helen flicked hers. Helen's kindness was fake. She didn't actually feel love for Gary and her children. Even I 'love' Gary and the kids more than she ever did, and I hate them, so that says a lot. 

Helen's passion for arguing grew every day when she used to live with us. She always had to be right. And if she were finally proven wrong, she would get incredibly furious. She hated to be wrong, even if she knew what she was advocating was wrong, she'd still hold her grudge. Now don't think 'oh well, doesn't that mean she's loyal?', never in hell could anyone say that about her if they knew her.

She truly is an awful person; she deserves to be locked up in chains, buried in the ocean, making do without oxygen. Hell, she would do just fine without oxygen because she is a demon. She could probably suck all the life and happiness out of plenty of fish. 

Because she's just that horrible.

I could go on and on about how much I abhor Helen, but I won't.

That wouldn't be fair to Petra.


"Are you ready to go?" Gary grabbed his blazer and put in on slowly. Petra blinked as if she didn't understand him. Mackenzie thankfully translated for her, "Hij vroeg of je klaar bent om te gaan." Petra smiled at Mackenzie and nodded her head towards Gary.

Taylor rolled her eyes. That's how Taylor expresses her cringing. But can I blame her? I'm cringing too.

"Oh, uh, is it...good? to bring my... hond and leave it here?" Petra hesitated with her broken English.

What's a hond? Is it like a coat?

Mackenzie looked up at Gary and mouthed a word that I couldn't make out. Gary paused and made eye contact with me. What does he want?


Gary nodded.

I guess I'll find out.

Petra turned around and pulled in a...




The dog barked at me with its annoying cheer. They're so dumb, ugh.

Gary smiled at me as if this were his cruel plan all along, to take out me with something I hate. "Ms. Tilly, it will only be a few hours, please understand," Gary spoke softly. Petra studied me and then looked back at Gary and furrowed her eyebrows with sadness. "I can take him back." She offered. 

Please do. Please do.

"She'll  be fine, she needs to get used to dogs anyway." Gary laughed and winked at Petra. 

I hate Gary. He's so cruel and selfish. All he thinks is about is himself and his new, pretty, stupid girlfriend, and the dumb dog. Why would he do this to me? I swear I haven't committed any sins since yesterday, but that water bottle was in my way. I had to knock that water bottle over. If I didn't, I would have regretted it. He doesn't want me to stay away from a sin if I will regret not doing in the future, does he? That mindless pig.

I made mean eyes with Petra, I guess you could say she was Petra-fied. (A/N: SOrry noT SORRY)

"Alright, that's our cue to hit the road, goodbye Ms. Tilly, have fun with the dog." Gary laughed as he pulled Petra and the kids through the door.


Hey guys! Sorry the chapter is a little short and the characters are out of their normal selves, I've run into a bit of writer's block.

Let's hope I make the deadline for next week again. It's about a 3 streak now.

Feel free to comment and slap that beautiful star while you leave!



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