Chapter 4

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I've only had a few neighbors in my life, but Petra is the most absolute strangest one I've ever had.

I've lived next to Mexican runaways, German outcasts, and Italian cooks, but never in my life have I met a Dutch bachelorette. 

Surprisingly, I've adapted to some of the languages like: 'Reunirse conmigo el la parte de atras, tengo la materia.' means "Greetings newcomer, when are you bringing this strange powder?" Well, that's what I think it means anyway. I hear them a lot in the back alley with this one guy every week.

I've also heard the Italian cooks scream 'Romano/Julian, sei un bastardo! Dove hai posto il pepe?" at each other across the kitchen. I haven't ever figured out what they would scream, but I think it has something to do with fire. 

But there was something about Petra:

she sounded sweet.

She didn't whisper suspiciously or scream constantly. She talked with content.

The next morning Petra arrived at our doorstep once again. She was holding a basket and this book that looked like a Dutch to English translator. 

"Hello... I'm sorry to... come by again." She said in broken English.

Gary smiled carefully. "Mackenzie, please translate for me, I don't want her to stutter in English." Mackenzie sighed and threw the bag of chips on the couch. "Hallo Petra, wat kunnen we voor je doen?" Mackenzie spoke quickly, slightly with irritation. 

Petra smiled. "Ik heb gebakken goederen voor jou en ja familie gebracht!" She held out a basket that steamed. 

"She said she brought us baked goods for us." Mackenzie looked at Gary. Gary nodded and smiled at Petra. "Thanks, Petra that's very kind of you."

Mackenzie didn't translate what Gary said, maybe Petra understood that time.

"Ik wou dat er enn manier was om te communiceren en elkarr beter te begrijpen," Petra gazed at her feet, and mumbled this softly "je bent erg aantrekkelijk."

Mackenzie blushed. What did she say? "Probeer een online vertaler, zoals google translate." She screeched. Mackenzie took the basket of baked goods and ran off to the kitchen.

Petra grabbed Gary's hand and shook it, "please visit me, yes?"

Gary's face turned bright red "Of course, Petra."

They might as well kiss already.

"So who's the lover?" Tyler said as she licked her finger to flip a page of a magazine. Mackenzie rolled her eyes on that comment. 

I tend to not try in get in others' business, but "I thought all of your love and devotion was only for me, Gary," I could not let this go.

"I think Ms. Tilly is jealous," Tyler slapped the magazine on the coffee table and grabbed another one.

"Oh, will you be quiet! Petra is not a lover, hell, I can't even speak to the woman." Gary leaned up against the door.

"Because you looove her," Mackenzie cooed as she stuffed her face with sugar cookies. 

"I do not love Petra! She is just a neighbor to me and to you." 

"Whatever you say, love machine," Taylor and Mackenzie taunted. "I can't say that this didn't hurt," I gazed to my feet.

I don't actually care who he loves, but teasing him just brightens my whole day. It's the little things that count after all.

"Go to hell, all of you!" Gary's face turned bright red. I found it funny that he tried to hide the fact that he was blushing by storming off into his room.

Men are such confusing creatures. Why do they have to be so...secretive?

A few hours after Petra visited our bachelor-owned-home, Ivan came back from a birthday party. He brought back a bag of cheap, plastic toys and candy that looked at least 6 months old; but he was thrilled nevertheless. 

"How was Ben's birthday party?" Tyler asked in this cutesy-fake voice. Ivan squealed with excitement. It must have been a killer party.

The thing about Ivan is that he doesn't really express himself that much verbally. We, as in the girls, Gary, and I, are forced to guess on what he wants and how he's feeling. Thank god for the facial expression. Poor me, I always have the same disapproving face on. 'Why?' you might ask, because. I'm not normal. 

Anyway, I think the reason behind Ivan not being able to communicate like a normal human being is because he is...what's the word?...autistic. Yes, unfortunately, little Ivan has autism. It may be sad, but that's life; life is cruel.

Maybe someday, they'll create a cure for autism. But what do I know? I'm a thirty-year-old bachelorette living with a bunch of no-brainers. I shouldn't have feelings for these people. They only exist to hand me my needs on a silver platter. Love is a ticking clock. And my clock has finished ticking, and it's not going to tick again. Ever.

I know it sounds cold or dramatic, but that's just who I am. I am a sadist, and no I don't mean sexually; I mean I enjoy being cold to others. That's what I was made to do. I know it's hard for others to understand, but they're just going to have to get used to the fact that this is me. 

But what do I care? I don't need people to understand. I don't need love. I don't need friends. I can do just fine being a loner. 

I'm fine. Being alone is in my nature. Standing alone on the tip of the mountain isn't a problem for me. I swear.

But I don't why...even if being alone is in my nature, then why do I feel so...empty?

I'm sure it's nothing though. I'm fine,




I seriously did not mean to start an unexpected hiatus. I just got so busy with everything, and before I knew it, It's been 3-4 weeks since I've updated last.

I apologize for taking so long to post. I am going to try my hardest to get on my regular schedule again, posting every Friday/Saturday. Let's cross our fingers!

Thanks for sticking with me, even when I'm a sloth. If you like this chapter, make sure to slap that beautiful star and comment away.

See you next chapter!


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