Chapter 7

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I kept my distance from the dog by sitting on the couch. Of course, the dog had to exactly place itself right across me.

It must know that I don't like it.

"Bark!" The dog's howl made my eardrums scream. I truly, truly hate dogs.

If I was forced to live with a dog, I actually might run away. And I have a feeling I might.


I decided that I have an escape route, the window. No, I'm not running away, but I am ditching this dog. Maybe I can go mess with Theodore and the rest of the gang. 

I jumped out of the window as I heard the dog whimper. Sucks to be you, dog!

I started running, I usually don't do this, I ran towards the lemon yellow house and skipped under the fence. "Yo, Susie!" I yell.

A few seconds delay and then I finally see her and her pink bow. 

Haha, she still has the pink bow.

"What is it, Ms. Tilly?" Her low voice crackled through the open window. "Can I hang out over here for a while? We have over." I hesitated.

Susie gasped. She slid out of the white trim window and scurried to my side. "Why is there a dog at your house?" 

I shook my head in sorrow. "Gary's met someone, a woman in fact." Susie snorted. "I thought Gary was gay. Isn't that why Helen and Gary split up?"

"He isn't gay, and that's a completely different topic," I said a little too fast. "Anyway, her name is Petra, and she's a foreigner." "Do you like her?" Susie asked.

"Well, I don't dislike, she's okay I suppose. I could live with her and Gary if they were to tie ties, but she a DOG. A disgusting mutt."  I answered. 

I really don't mind Petra at all. She's a really nice woman, I've said this before, I'd pick her any day than Helen. But she's pals with a dog. And I can't stand them.

What if they were to get married or move in together?! I'd have to live with it! YUCK.

"What's the matter, Ms. Tilly?" Tim popped his head over the fence. Tom joined him. "Yeah, what's wrong? You're usually not blue."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not blue you Irish dimwits," I said, trying to defend myself. I'm not blue, I'm more green than blue if I were to be a color.

"We're not Irish either," Tom sighed as he hopped over the fence. His brother followed him. "No need to be harsh, Ms. Tilly." Tim pouted.

"They're right, Ms. Tilly. Don't get hasty, they're only trying to help," Susie intruded in with her good guy act. "Guys, don't take it personally, Ms. Tilly has a cold heart."

"Gee thanks," I said sarcastically. These mortals don't understand me, and yes I said, mortals. They don't understand how it feels to be ignored and left for a Dutch woman. 

Like I've said repeatedly, it's not that I don't like Petra, it's just I feel like no one likes me.

BUT WAIT? Why should I care? Again, I don't care what people think of me. Forget what I just said. I don't need anyone to love me! I'm thirty-five! The only thing that should love me back is my children-

Oh, I don't have children. But who needs children? All they do is suck the money from their parents and drain their will to live. They're just a waste of time and effort. All I need is food and food alone.

"Ms. Tilly?"

Ugh, Ms. Tilly that, Ms. Tilly this. I'm tired of being called that. It's a dumb name. Why couldn't I have a cool name like Chocolate or Furious? They're such neat names. They don't sound British English either.

"Ms. Tilly?"

"What?" I responded with irritation. Susie blinked at me. "I think you should go back, what if the dog were to destroy things when you were gone?"

Susie had a point. The dog could have blamed it on me, and it'd be my fault! And there'd be no way to prove that I was gone because Gary doesn't know I sneak out.

Wait-the dog could tattle on me. That stupid little mutt.

"Ms. Tilly, you blanked out again," Tom and Tim said in unison. I nodded and left accordingly. 

I'm not letting that dog destroy the house and getting accused of it.

I ran across the street as fast as I could. The sky was dark, which meant the night had fallen. Which is bad. I really hoped that I wasn't too late.

But when I arrived at the driveway, the driveway wasn't empty. Unluckily, I was screwed. Maybe, just maybe, I could sneak through the window.

As I reached the window, the window was shut, and the drapes were closed.



Hey guys!

Thanks for waiting patiently for chapter 7. I apologize for skipping last week, I had several exams to study and take for school. I had zero time to work on and edit chapter 7. 

I also apologize for a shorter chapter this week. Unfortunately, I am still suffering from writer's block. I know, I know, it sucks.

I also, also apologize for saying sorry a lot. I really am working on that. Haha. 

Alright, you know what to do:

Thanks for sticking along so far. Make sure to beat the ever living crap out of that beautiful star because for some reason it shows respect and tells the writer that they're not doing horribly. Weird concept.

Anyway, see you next chapter!


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