Chapter 14

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"Have you ever looked in the mirror?"

"I was surprised that you didn't get along with her, but then again, why would a witch get along with a princess?"

"Majesty was like the light of your forever darkness. You never let her enlighten you. She was only trying to be your friend." 

"She did so many things for us. She helped us get through some hard things, unlike you."

"You antagonized her, you made her look like the bad guy!" 

"You know what?"  "I wish it was you instead of Majesty."

Their words replayed in my head over and over again.

"I wish it was you instead of Majesty."

The words wouldn't stop. It was a broken record playing in my conscience. That one phrase. Eight words. I never knew

"I wish it was you instead of Majesty."

words could sting me so incredibly terribly. It felt like somebody was punching me. Please make the pain stop. The punching felt endless. Make it end.

How come I feel pain? It's not physical. Nothing in my body is broken nor injured. But it's my heart. Why is it burning and beating too fast? Am I going to die? Is this what death feels like?

My not so reassuring thoughts filled my head as I stumbled home. Then I heard a yelp.

"MS. TILLY!" A squeaking voice shouted behind me.

I turned my head and saw Theodore charging towards me. He had huge tears flying off his cheek. He appeared as he was sorry.

"Ms. Tilly! Please wait for me," his sad voice shook when arrived closer to me. All I could do was look at him with wide eyes. 

Why did he come back?

"Please let me explain," he huffed and panted as he stood a few feet from me. I didn't say a word. I didn't know what to feel. Angry or relieved? Enlightening or somber? Fearful or confident? Should I push him away? Make him feel the pain that he made me feel? After all, did he realize how embarrassing for me to expect him to ditch those idiots with me?

He leaned his head on my chest, trying to make a sincere apology, "Ms. Tilly, I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what side to be on. They were my friends,"

I kept quiet, what was I to say?

"But you're my best friend, I should have stayed with you."

I sighed. This kid. He really likes to run the extra mile, doesn't he?

"Ms. Tilly, please say something, anything," he trembled, expecting a shrieking unforgiving statement.

I finally opened my mouth, "I wish it was you instead of Majesty."

His face was still nuzzled into my chest. He knew I wasn't saying it to him, I was repeating what was said.

"She did so many things for us. She helped us get through some hard things, unlike you," I continued to repeat, "Majesty was like the light of your forever darkness. You never let her enlighten you. She was only trying to be your friend."

Theodore began to quiver, then sobbed. "I'm-I'm," he blubbered muffledly.

"I was surprised that you didn't get along with her, but then again, why would a witch get along with a princess?"

Theodore sobbed louder.

Then finally, "have you ever looked in the mirror?"

He fell to the ground, holding on tightly to my legs. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!" He squeakiness made me feel a little better. "I'll never leave you again, I'm so sorry!"

I sighed and then smiled, "you're such a crybaby. You need to pull yourself together," I grinned like an idiot. He looked up at me with tears going down his face and laughed with relief.

At least Theodore and I made up. But that's all I need, right?


After the little make-up session, I continued heading home. I scurried to Gary's window and noticed Gary was sitting on the edge of his bed. His hands were folded onto his face, covering his eyes. Silently, I hopped through the open window and sat behind him.

He sniffled, "oh where did you come from, Ms. Tilly?" 

"That's none of your business, old man," I sprawled out beside him.

"Tomorrow I find out what the jury decides," his voice sounded empty. He smiled sadly, "at least I have you."


Sorry for the short chapter. I didn't have much time to plot this one down. But here's your Christmas present: 2 chapters in one day! Woah, I can barely get two chapters down in a month! Have a Merry early Christmas. See you guys next week! Love ya!

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