Four's Idea

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         X trotted over to where Four was resting, under a tree. He began to tremble, as he approached Four. "F..Four." X stammered. Four turned around to stare at him. "Yes, X?" He looked at X expectantly.

   X handed Four the paper note that Coiny gave him. Four nodded after a few moments of reading it, and turned back to X. 

  "I have a great idea!" He exclaimed. Four jumped up excitedly. 

   "What is it, Four?" X asked, still shivering. He expected to hear something great from Four. "Is it something about the challenge?" He thought to himself, waiting for Four to start speaking. Four stood up straight, and began to speak.

   "I think that the hosts should participate in the challenge!" Four announced to X. "That would give me a chance to beat up those contestants, if they don't win against me." He smirked. X stared at Four with wide, terrified eyes. 

   "Y..You want to beat them up?" X asked Four in disbelief. "T..That's a t..terrible idea!" He exclaimed. But, he immediately felt guilty, as Four stared at him with cold, narrowed eyes. 

  "I'm so sorry, Four!" X cried. He turned around and started to run. He didn't now where he would go, but he just wanted to be away from Four. He sprinted toward the forest, trying not to trip over any twigs.

  He crashed through the forest. X didn't look where he was going, as he skidded into a bush. But, he felt the ground slip from beneath him, and he crashed into a cold hard floor. In a few moments, everything went black.


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