The Mysterious Meeting

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  Four tossed and turned in his bed. He couldn't sleep, thinking that X could be out there somewhere, needing his help. 

 Four also thought of how Coiny had reacted to the note. Hopefully, Coiny was just trying to scare him. But, Four still shivered in fear. 

 When he finally drifted into sleep, Four felt like he was being plunged into icy water, going down a never ending drop. At first, there was only darkness, then the darkness was suddenly swallowed by a world of grey trees and grass. 

 Four pushed his way past trees and bushes, until he came upon a clearing. "Hello?" Four called. He had never had a dream that he could control before. Four thought that he had heard a faint howling sound in the distance, but when he turned to the direction that the noise was coming from, he saw nothing.

 "There you are!" An unfamiliar voice suddenly called to him. Four saw an object emerge from the bushes, trying to wipe blood off of his hands. The strange object must have seen Four staring at his hands, because he started to explain.

 "I'm fine, believe me." The object started. "It's just those dead rabbits that I had to handle, that's all!" The stranger assured Four. "Leading those wolves into those tunnels was hard work." 

  "Who are you?" Four asked. 

 "I'm Peppermint!" The object answered in a soothing voice. "Y..You're Peppermint?" Four asked, surprised that Peppermint wanted to meet up in a dream. Peppermint nodded, still trying to wipe the blood off of his hands with little success. 

"So, where's X?" Four asked desperately. Peppermint grinned at Four. "Closer than he seems." 

 Four resisted the temptation to zap the annoying, vague object. "Can you be a little more specific?" Four asked, trying to keep his tone level. 

Peppermint looked back up from his hands, and stared at Four. "What caused X to flee in the first place?" He asked Four, smiling slyly, as if he already knew the answer.

"Don't pretend you don't know." Four snarled. "I know that you are trying to get me to blame myself."

 "What makes you think that?" Peppermint asked innocently. Four sighed, and realized that he had to give in if he was to get X back. 

"I don't know," Four told Peppermint. "I think that it was something that I said." Four almost bowed his head in shame, but he didn't want to give Peppermint the satisfaction of seeing it. 

 "Anyways, what do you want me to give you?" Four asked him.

 "Oh, nothing much." Peppermint smiled. "Just a sacrifice."

"What kind of sacrifice?" Four asked. Peppermint paused for a moment, and began speaking again. "You must sacrifice yourself, Four." He explained. "It's for the good of all of your precious contestants, X included." 

 "Why would I sacrifice my life for those guys?" Four growled, feeling very irritated. Peppermint circled around Four. "If you want X back, and unharmed," "You must do what I say."

"But, anyways, It was nice meeting you, Four." "But, you really should get going now." Peppermint said, before snapping his fingers and vanishing in an instant, leaving only the pool of rabbit blood that had dripped from his hands.

  Almost instantly, the grey clearing was swallowed by darkness, as Four woke up. 

"I should tell Coiny about this." Four yawned, getting ready to go to Coiny and Pin's apartment.


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