Unsettling Discoveries

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   "What will I do, X?" Maple cried. X looked sadly at Maple. 

 "I don't know," X answered. "But, I think you look fine." Maple wiped a tear from her eyes. "Thanks, X." She smiled.

 X could tell that Maple hasn't fully gotten over the loss of her point. But, she was regaining her cheerfulness. 

 "We should gather some berries." Maple told X. "Silence and Darkness are becoming quite grumpy from not having enough food for the past week." She laughed.

 "You better bring something back soon." Silence grumbled. "I'm starving." The shadow figure complained, continuing to dig out the tunnel that he was digging with Darkness. 

 "Don't worry about them, X." Maple nudged X. "They're just tired from digging that new tunnel." 

 "What's the tunnel for?" X asked. Maple looked at him. "It's should be a safer route into an area with some berry bushes." She explained. "It should be further from wolf territory." 

X nodded. "But, why would you live here, if it's so close to the wolves?" He asked.

 "The tunnel is my home." Maple told him. "It's where I belong." "Why would I ever want to leave it?"

 "But is it where I belong?" X frownedHe felt the familiar pain in his heart, as he thought about Four, and his old home. "But, why do you love the tunnel so much?" X asked. "Don't you hate being blocked out from the sun, not being able to see anything but stone walls and darkness where you look?"

 Maple sighed. "The darkness is comforting." She explained. "The sun is too blinding, and the quiet atmosphere of the tunnel puts me at ease." "I've always known that this would be my home, when I first laid eyes upon it."

X flinched. "I have to go home." He decided. "I miss Four too much." He continued to walk with Maple, until they reached their usual berry grove. 

Maple gasped. "X, the berries are gone!" she yelped.

 X peeked around Maple, and his eyes widened at what he saw. Every leaf and berry on the bushes had been picked off. There was nothing but bare branches in the grove. 

"Look!" Maple yelled. "Dead rabbits everywhere!" X ran over to where Maple was pointing. "I wonder what happened here." X thought aloud, scratching his head.

"I keep sensing something in that direction." Maple told X, pointing to a path into the forest. "Do you know what it is?" X asked.

Maple shook her head. "We should check." X decided, though he was quivering with fear. Maple nodded in agreement, as they set off along the trail. 

Even though X couldn't sense things like Maple could, he felt a terrifying sensation of being watched. The path of dead rabbits lead all the way to a dark cave. X saw three pairs of menacing yellow eyes appear from the darkness. Wolves! X thought, feeling terror build up inside of him. "I wish Four was here." He whimpered. The wolves slowly crept out towards the two objects, their yellow eyes glowing with hatred. 

"Sit!" A voice commanded from the bushes. A red and white object stepped out, glaring at the wolves. "How could you attack our guests?" The object scolded the wolves. 

"Who are you?" X stammered, still shaking from fear. "Peppermint." The other object answered without hesitation. 

Maple stared at Peppermint with wide, terrified eyes. "Y..You sent the wolves to the tunnels?" She asked, pain filling her voice. "But I thought that you.." She trailed off, as Peppermint put his arm around her.

"You see, sweetie," Peppermint started, forcing his voice to sound loving. "It was just a little task that I had to do." He explained, in a calm voice.

"I begged Needle to do it for me." "But, she insisted that I should do it instead." He smiled at Maple. 

"Y...You almost killed us..." Maple started to cry. "I thought that you loved me!" 

"I do, sweetie." Peppermint assured her. "But, I just needed to make your mother pay." He went on, his voice sounding bitter. "I just thought that killing her daughter would be the perfect revenge."

X watched, feeling confused. What did Peppermint have against Pin?

"You should be proud that your father did all of this for us." Peppermint smiled. "Your mother has wronged us both." 

Maple started to shake with anger. "You are not my father." She snarled. "Pin has done nothing wrong to anyone." "Let's just leave, X" Maple grabbed X's hand.

X wanted to know more, but he had the feeling that Maple didn't want to talk about the encounter. So, he kept quiet the entire way back to the tunnel.

(I am so sorry for not updating this in like,  2 months! I might make another chapter tonight just to make up for it.)

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