An Unfortunate End

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       X walked outside, feeling like he wanted to shrink away from the dark red sky, and blackened sun. "Is it an eclipse?" He thought. He wanted to run back home, but he knew that Four was counting on him to get some food for dinner. 

"I wouldn't want Four to have to deal with this strange, frightening weather." X decided, walking slowly toward the grocery store. "X!" "X!" He heard someone scream his name.

He snapped his head around. It was Pin. She was flailing her arms around in panic. "Quick, X!" She screamed. "We have to hide!"

"Hide?" X asked, but Pin had already grabbed his arm and started to run. "What are we hiding from?" X voice shook. 

"From..." Pin started. "that..." she pointed to a strange blueish-black portal that was opening. 

X gasped, and squeezed Pin's hand in fear. She lead him to a shaded spot with trees and bushes. "We have to stay here until...that..goes away." Pin told X, ducking down into the bush.

Lightning crackled and flashed near the portal. Blood-red rain poured down on the land. However, the rain felt like normal rainwater, not sticky like blood. 

Pin flinched as another bolt of lightning hit the ground, a little close to the trees. X eyes widened in panic. His only thought was: "Has Four noticed this yet?" "Is he safe?"

"Is Maple safe?" X asked Pin, panic-stricken. 

"She should be with Coiny." Pin assured him, clearly trying to act unafraid. "Don't worry," She said half to herself. "The storm will stop soon, and this dumb portal will go away." She sounded like she didn't even believe her own words.

But, the storm only got worse, and the portal cracked open, as if a hole had been ripped in the sky. 

X squinted. He could see white-ish ghostly figures coming out of the portal. Some were thin and nimble like....dogs? Wolves... He thought immediately. His mind flashed to Maple, her panicked scream from inside the tunnel, her torn-off point. "I can't let that happen to her mother." X decided, swearing in his mind to protect Pin.

Four bolts of lightning lit up the sky, one of them crashing down on a bush beside them. 

Before X could let out a scream, the bush burst into flames, along with the tree near X and Pin. 

As an ember bounced and hit the bush that they were hiding in, igniting it, Pin and X jumped for the plains area. But lightning struck the ground in front of them, lighting the grass they were going to jump to on fire. 

X screamed, holding onto Pin's arm tightly. Surely she would know what to do? But, Pin looked just as lost and panicked as he was. 

X looked around at the area he was in. Fire surrounded them, threatening to engulf them at any moment. "We're both going to die..." X thought, tears running from his eyes. He saw ghostly objects coming through the portal after the mass of wolves. He was choking on smoke. Feeling horribly dizzy, he collapsed, and his vision went black. 

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