Their Very Own Mastermind

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  Needle sat at the edge of the Land of Lost Souls.  She kicked a stone. Why did Pin have to be so perfect all the time? She won Coiny's heart, she "saved" everyone from Needle's plan, and for now, her life is perfect.

"I wish I could be more like her." Needle whispered to herself, as thought of the plan. 

"I promised that it wouldn't fail."  The familiar chilling voice of Peppermint spoke in her mind. "Well, you were on their side for a while." Needle snapped back in her thoughts. 

"Listen, Needy," Peppermint went on, filling Needle's head with the ice-cold chill of his voice. "You need me, and I need you." 

"Just talk to me in real life!" Needle yelled at him in her thoughts. "I told you to stop speaking to me through telepathy anyway." She grumbled through her thoughts. 

"I control you." Peppermint reminded Needle. "I'm the mastermind behind this genius plan."  

"Like I haven't heard that from you a million times!" Needle rolled her eyes, and went to look for Snowball. "At least Snowball won't freeze my mind with his voice." Needle grumbled.

"Where's Peppermint?" She asked, as she neared Snowball. 

"I'm in the Meeting Meadow, you dummy."  Peppermint snorted in her mind. "Where else would I be?"

"Come on, Snowball, Firey, and Pencil." Needle named a few objects to go with her. She led them to the meeting meadow, where Peppermint was already waiting, still trying to get those dumb blood stains off of his hands. 

"As you know," Peppermint started. "We are going into the living world tomorrow, simply to teach those foolish objects a lesson." He growled, causing the other objects to cheer.

"We will surly win." Needle cut in. "After all, we do have our very own mastermind." She whispered, turning her gaze to Peppermint. 

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