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Dante Jr whips around, "Is that true, Nadia?" 

Hurt is apparent in his eyes, how dare she betray him?

"After everything my family and I have done for you? You betray us like this?" He whispers in disbelief. 

"I knew you couldn't trust the bitch," Caterina spits venomously.

"If only I had listened to you, little sister," Dante Jr sighs. 

Before the tears can escape his eyes, he turns away, not allowing anyone to see him weak. He takes a deep breath, containing his sadness.

Dante Jr's cold, emotionless eyes return as he walks back into Nadia's face. 

"GET OUT!" His voice booms through the wedding ceremony. 

Sienna starts to make her way towards Dante Jr, but instead is interrupted by Luna's hand tightly grasping her throat, pushing her back into the doors. 

As Sienna tries to break free, Luna just chokes her harder. Right before Sienna can pass out, Luna drops her from her hold, "if you don't leave in the next two seconds, I will murder you, right in front of your daughter." 

Sienna turns to Nadia, "I'll wait outside."

Nadia turns to exit the church, when she feels a hard grip on her arm. 

"If you ever come back to Italy, I will skin you alive," Caterina threatens in a whisper. 

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