Chapter 1- 21st Birthday

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*4 Years After Last Book

Dante Jr POV

I am woken by the annoying beep of my alarm clock. '5:30AM, ugh.' 

'This is bullshit, today is my 21st birthday, I shouldn't have to go to training,' I complain in my mind, as I groan and get out of bed.

All my life, I have been training, and today is the day I take over my father's position as head boss of the Italian, Russian, and American Mafia. I couldn't be more ready or happy, I've wanted this my whole life. I was born for this, just as my father was.

I knew I had huge shoes to fill, my father was a legendary boss, and I didn't want to let him down. That's why I've asked him if he could still be around to help me, thankfully he accepted. 

Dressed in workout clothes, sitting on the edge of my bed, putting on shoes, my little sister, Catrina, comes bursting through the door. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG BRO!" Cat sings happily. She's such a morning person, I can't stand it. 

"Ugh, Cat, how can you be so energized in the morning?"

Catrina just shrugs, before yanking me off the bed, and pulling me downstairs. I can smell my mother's cooking before I can see it and my mouth waters.

"Happy birthday, my boy!" My mother throws her arms around my waist in a hug, she's so tiny that I tower over her. 

"Thanks mom, I love you. What's for breakfast?"

Mom's contagious smile crosses her face, "well, all your favorites. Cinnamon french toast on brioche, homemade syrup, fresh fruit, eggs, bacon, and of course, mimosas!"

I laugh at my mom's enthusiasm. 

"Good morning, mio amore," My father walks in, pulling my mom into his arms and kissing her passionately. I swear they act like horny, head over heels, in love teenagers. Someday I hope to find a love like theirs, but until then, I'm pretty happy with just fucking hot girls as I please.

"Ew guys, get a room," Caterina's nose wrinkles up out of disgust to their PDA. 

"Actually, my darling, that's not a bad idea. Let's go back up to our room and let me have my way with you," Father smirks at my mom.

Mother just hits him on the chest, laughing. 

"You guys are like the most outrageous parents I know," My little brother Arsenio enters the kitchen. 

"Just wait till you guys find the loves of your lives, then you'll understand," Father says before continuing, "let's eat!" He then slaps my mom's ass, making her squeal before taking the food to the table. 

After breakfast and training, I head upstairs to get ready to meet up with Stefan and Enzo, my other brother. We're just going to dick around for the day, before our swearing in party tonight. 

Throwing on something casual, I grab the keys to my black Lamborghini, announce my departure, and head out to meet the guys for coffee. 

We walk into the local cafe that we've made our hangout spot. Supposedly, this was my mom and my uncle Vito's favorite place to come when they were younger, and it's where Vito met his wife, Leila. 

We sit at our favorite table, before Stefan speaks up.

"So guys, I heard some of the Russian girls will be there tonight," He raises his eyebrows and winks. 

"Fuck yeah! The Russian girls are so fucking hot," Enzo nods his head. 

I roll my eyes, sure they're hot, but they're pretty fucking crazy too. Fun while you're in the sack, but not so fun for the next couple weeks when they won't stop contacting you. 

I glance over my shoulder to see where the heck our waiter is, when I lay eyes on the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. 

Her wavy brown hair runs down her back, pinned out of the way of her face by her ears. Her big eyes are focused on the page of her book she's reading. 

"I'll be right back guys," I get up without an explanation and walk towards her table.

I pull out a chair and sit down in it as she looks up confused. 

"Uh, can I help you?" Her attitude makes me chuckle.

"Actually, you can. You see, I'm having a party tonight, it's going to be boring, but it'd be a lot better if you were there."

She rolls her light eyes, "seriously? You're using that line?"

"Well I can try another if you'd like." I try to flash my infamous grin.

"What makes you think I'd show up to a complete stranger's house for a party he's throwing?"

"Well first, bella ragazza, it's not at a house, it's at a hotel not too far from here, in their grand ballroom. And second, my mother is throwing it, not me."

"You know how tacky it is to invite a girl to an event the day of it?"

I chuckle at her attitude. I lean in close to her across the table, "well I'm not known for my manners, sweetheart. What's your name? I'll put you on the guest list."

She snorts, "doesn't matter, I'm not coming."

I flash my signature grin, usually all the women fall for it.

"Well in case you change your mind, I'll put you on the guest list as 'cafe girl'. Here's the information." I slide the paper over to her, "hope to see you there." 

I wink, and walk back to my boys. 

"What the heck was that?" Enzo asks.

"Ah, just have my sights set on my next victim," I laugh. 

Nadia POV

I pay my bill and run out of the cafe, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

Quickly I fish my phone out of my pocket and call my mom. 

"Mom, I just met him. He invited me to a party tonight..."

"You have to go to that party." My mom orders.

"Mom you know I don't want any part in this. Can you please let me attend college while I'm here?"

"No, this is for your father. You are going to that party tonight. That is final. Use the credit card I gave you and go get a gown. Knowing that family, it'll be black tie required."

I roll my eyes, 'why can't my mom just let me have a normal life?' 

I don't understand her need for revenge on this family. I know they killed my father, but he got mixed up in the wrong things, and he was a undercover cop, it was a risk he knew was there. Plus, he wouldn't want us doing this. He would want me to go to school, and make a real life for myself.

I sigh and agree, before hanging up the phone. 'I better go get a dress.'

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