Chapter 12- Anger

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Dante Jr POV

It's been 3 months since the wedding. I buried myself into work to avoid the dark feeling in my heart. At least something is going right, I've done a good job keeping things running smoothly and successfully. 

I've been spending every night inside a random girl, trying to fill the void I have since Nadia left. 

Anger, hurt, betrayal, and hate are just a few of the many emotions I feel. I let Nadia in, I was ready to love her, to give her the world, and this is what I get in return. Caterina urged me to get revenge, but as long as she disappears, I decided I'll let her live, only to suffer from agony and fear. 

A knock at my office cuts into my thoughts, "hey boss, you ready?" Stefan asks.

I run my hand through my hair, sighing. "Yeah let's get going, we've got a long trip ahead of us."

Stefan, Enzo, and I were headed to New York City to deal with some new gang giving our allied local gangs trouble. 

I crack my knuckles at the thought of releasing some of this anger out. Lately, I've been using torture as an outlet, and it's been working so far. 


Nadia POV

"Okay Nadia, everything looks healthy with the baby. Any questions or concerns?"

I shake my head, rubbing my big 6 month pregnant belly. "Everything's great, it's been easy for me. I love being pregnant."

It's true. I had some nausea, but never actually got sick, I had no cramping, no random bleeding. My mood is pretty stable, my skin and hair are glowing, pregnancy suits me, if I say so myself. 

"Well if that's it, I'll see you in 6 weeks for your next check up. Congrats you two!" The doctor smiles at Chris, my boyfriend.

 I had just left my first doctor's appointment and I was staring out the window in shock that I was pregnant. Knowing I needed protection for my baby, I called one of the contacts that my mother had given me. 

Chris is a police officer, that worked under my dad. He was so caring, and loving. He was patient with me, slowly bringing me out of my depression. I cried myself to sleep every night, and every single night, he was there, holding me. 

One night, my hormones got the best of me, and I jumped his bones. After that night, we both were unable to deny the attraction between us, so we gave it a shot, and so far things have been great. It's not the wild, passionate, dangerous love I felt for Dante, but it's safe and even. And he'll be a great father figure for my daughter. 

He's come to every appointment with me since I called him, and he was thrilled to raise this baby with me. He knew that one day, I would tell my daughter about her real father, but he was honored to be her father figure until then. 

We were living in New York City, in a trendy Brooklyn flat. Chris parent's are very wealthy business people, and they've taken me under their wing, helping pay for things, taking care of me. 

Chris and I left the doctor, ultrasound picture in my hand. He gave me a quick kiss, and drove back to work. It was a beautiful day, so I decided to go for a walk. 

Strolling down the street, lost in my thoughts, I had taken the wrong turn. I freeze in my tracks, as I peak around trying to figure out where I am. The hairs on my neck stick up as I hear someone begging for their life.

I should've walked away. I should've minded my own business. But what do I do? I look down the alley from where the voices are coming from. 

The gunshot makes me yelp out in fear, causing the three men to look in my direction. The beautiful face that has been haunting my nightmares is suddenly standing in front of me. His eyes look down to my belly, and back up to my face. Those stunning eyes get huge, as his mouth drops open. 

'Run. Pick up your legs and run.' My thoughts are screaming at me, but I'm frozen to the ground. 

The other two men with him take a hard grasps on my arms, pulling me into their SUV, tires screeching as we drive off. 

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