Chapter 13- Pregnant Lady Strength

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Dante Jr POV

Pacing back and forth in my NYC penthouse, I run my hands down my face. So many thoughts, so many words, and I can't get a sound out. I pour myself a glass of whiskey, downing it in one gulp, then throwing the glass against the wall. Nadia's face looks horrified as the glass shatters into tiny pieces. 

"FUCK!" I scream, picking up anything in sight throwing it into the wall. 

She jumps, I know I'm scaring her, but I can't calm down. Stefan comes in and slaps me across the face, "sorry boss, but you're terrifying the love of your life, who is pregnant with your child.. you need to get it together."

I nod my head, taking a breath. Stefan stays a little longer to make sure I'm in control before he leaves. 

Looking at Nadia, my heart breaks. I've missed her so fucking much. 

"Were you ever going to tell me?" I barely whisper. 

"I was scared of what would happen if I tried reaching out to you. I picked up the phone so many times, trying to think of the words, but each time I got too scared. I swear, I was going to tell her one day who her father is, and help her get in touch with you. I promise that."

"One day?!?! One day?!! What when she was 18 years old? You were going to let me miss 18 years of our child's life?"

Nadia reluctantly stands up, walking towards me, grabbing my hand.

"I'm sorry I really am, I don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She's crying, uncontrollably.

My anger gets the best of me, and before I can even stop the words, I yell "IS IT EVEN MINE?!?!?!"


My head shoots to the side, as Nadia slaps me hard across the face.

I stand in shock, as she runs towards the elevator. 

Running in front of her, blocking the doors, I grab her wrists and pull her into me, "you are not fucking leaving!"

"I fucking hate you, you asshole! Of course it's yours, you stupid son of a bitch!" 

"Well for all I know, you could be one giant slut, acting like a pure good virgin," I snap.

Once again, my face snaps to the other side, as her palm hits me hard across the face.

Slightly turned on, I smirk, "you can sure hit hard, little one."

She bites back a smile, shooting back coldly, "It's the crazy pregnant lady strength."

"Can you please sit down, please can we talk?" I beg.

Sighing, she makes her way back to the couch, sitting down on it, as I take a seat next to her. 

"I guess I should start from the beginning."

I nod my head, urging her to start talking.

"My mom sent me to Italy to get close to you and break your heart. But I swear to you, I never wanted to be part of her plan. I just wanted to go to school, hang out with friends, have a normal life. She wouldn't let me, so I went to Italy. I had recognized you at the cafe when you spoke to me, from pictures my mother showed me, but as soon as I spoke to you, I felt guilty. I went to the party that night, and after the time I spent with you, I was instantly captivated by you. I told her I'd go along with her plan, but only so I could buy some time to figure out how to get out of my mother's grasp. After our first date, I called her, and let her know I wanted nothing to do with her plan or her any longer."

She pauses to let me absorb what she had told me. 

"And I fell in love with you. I saw myself spending my life with you. I had just missed my period the week of the wedding, and I was going to take a test to be sure before I told you that I thought I was pregnant. Then my mother crashed the wedding, and ruined my entire life. I truly loved you, I really didn't want a thing to do with my mother's plan. But she told me you'd hunt me down and kill me, so I ran. And I was too scared to tell you once I found out for sure that I was pregnant. I'm so sorry Dante," She starts sobbing so hard, that her whole body is shaking. 

"Why didn't you just tell me about your mother in the first place? I would've listened to you, I would've taken care of you." I sadly whisper. 

"I don't know, I was just so scared to lose you...I'm so sorry...I'm so so so sorry...please believe me...." she gets out in between sobs.

I can't help the hold this girl has on me, and I give in. "I believe you. I'm just still hurt, I loved you, I would've done anything for you. I wish you had just told me. About your mother and the baby..."

A single tear rolls down my face, and I grab her face, "did you say daughter?"

She slightly smiles, and nods.

"Oh my god, we are having a baby girl?! We're having a girl! I'm going to have a daughter!!!" Excitement takes over me. 

I pull her in close, crashing my lips onto hers.

Placing my forehead to hers, I whisper, "I love you. Be with me. Let's be a family."

"I love you too, I've always been yours, I always will be."

She pulls away, nervously saying, "there's something else I need to tell you. I had met someone and we started dated, but I love you. You are the love of my life. He's a great guy, so I owe him the respect of meeting him and properly breaking up with him before we continue anything else together."

I can't blame her for meeting someone, she was lonely, upset, and scared. But I know I'm the one she wants to be with, so I just sigh, "okay I respect that, my love. I'll go with you tomorrow."

She starts to argue before I place my finger on her lips, "shhh baby, let's go to bed."

I fall asleep with my woman and our unborn baby in my arms. 

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