Chapter 25- Success

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Dante Jr. POV

"For fucks sake, she's just a regular person! We are the fucking mafia, how can we not fucking find her?!" I yell at my men in my office.
Dropping my head, I place my fingers on the bridge of my nose, in frustration.
It's been two weeks since I was released from the hospital, and we still haven't found my daughter. Nadia is in the hospital one more week, and I want our daughter back before Nadia returns home.
"Brother, I'm not quite sure on how she's getting away with this. It's like she knows every time we find her. Then she destroys her phone and moves to the next place." Enzo says.
"There's got to be a pattern," my mother suddenly speaks, her gaze still out the window.

"What do you mean, mother?"

"I mean, there's got to be a pattern to her locations. If it was random, it would be sloppy and we would've caught her by now. She knows where she's going next, she has a plan." Luna explains.

"Well, her husband was a police officer, someone from the PD could be helping her," I add.

My father shakes his head, "our men in the PD have been loyal for decades, they would've told us."

"She used to work for us, she had to have picked up on some tricks," my mom comments.

Right as I'm about to respond, the phone rings.


"Hello Boss, we've got some information on your daughter. Diego from the Mexican cartel has some men at the U.S./ Mexico border, they said she tried to cross the border about 10 minutes ago. They tried to stop her, but they couldn't, she was in a 2012 green Ford Explorer, we have our men in the police on alert and we are tracking street cameras."

"Call me with anything," I order.

After explaining what my guy had told me, I leave to go visit Nadia at the hospital.

"Have you found her yet?" Nadia questions after a few minutes of small talk.

"We have a lead on her. Don't worry we will get her back."

Anger flashes into Nadia's eyes. Grabbing the collar of my shirt, she yanks me close to her face. "You find my bitch mother, and bring her to me, alive. I will take care of that cunt myself."

For a second, lust overcomes me. Seeing this side of Nadia is a huge turn on. I lick my lips, aroused.

"You like when I go all mafia queen?" She seductively purrs.

Feeling myself getting hard, I nod, not taking my eyes off of her.

"Well if my threat is a turn on, then just wait till we have her in our possession. I'll let you watch as I deal with her myself..." she teases.

I groan at her sly, horny grin, "God I can't wait to get you home."

"Total change of subject, but I've been looking at some places for our wedding, and looking at some dresses. Could you ask your mom to go check the places out, and make an appointment for dress shopping?"

"Of course, I'm sure she'd love to."

Our wedding conversation is cut short by my phone buzzing, "sir, we've got her in sight, we're moving in. Call you soon."

"They've found your mother, finally it's time to bring our baby girl home."

Narrator POV

Lorenzo hangs up the phone, signaling the guys to move in.
Slowly and quietly, they make their way towards the apartment she just entered.
'1...2...3..' Lorenzo mouths, counting down for the one guy to bust down the door.

Their rifles are up, ready to shoot, as they scurry into the room.

Sienna stands there, shocked at their arrival. She thought she had been so careful. She drops to her knees and places her hands up in the air.

"WHERE IS SERENA?!" Lorenzo's voice booms through the small apartment.

Sienna nods her head in the direction of Serena's room.

Caterina follows Sienna's nod, and walks into the room, picking up a crying Serena from her crib.

"Shhhh, it's okay, Aunty Cat is here, you're safe now," Cat soothes, while gently rocking the child in her arms.

Lorenzo calls Jr, "boss, we got her. Rescue attempt was a success!"

"Good job, guys. Bring her home immediately."

"What do you want us to do with the puttana?"

"Bring her back here, alive. Nadia is going to have her first torture lesson."

"Alright boss," Lorenzo hangs up, turning to the group of men he led, "alright boys, let's go home. Put this one in handcuffs, she's going with us."

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