Chapter 22- The Coma

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Luna POV

"Is this Mrs. Constantino?"
"Yes, who is this?"
"This is Dr. Jones from the St. Michaels Hospital (a/n: idk I just made up a name...*shrugs) your son and his fiancée have been in an accident. Can you..."
Before I can finish I yell, "I'm on my way!!"
I hang up the phone, taking a breath before I scream through the giant house, "DANTE GET DOWN HERE NOW!"
"What's wrong my love?!" He ran so fast, he's out of breath.
Roman, Vito, Stefan, and Enzo all appear from behind him.
"Dante Jr. and Nadia have been in an accident, they're at the hospital. Babe, you're coming with me, we will go check on them. Vito, Roman, Stefan, and Enzo, you guys fucking find my fucking granddaughter. Do you fucking understand me?!"
Enzo snorts and Vito hides a laugh.
"What's so god damn fucking funny?!" I snap.
"Well when you get mad, you randomly throw the f bomb in everywhere and start cussing up a storm," Vito says still trying to hold in a laugh.
"And you throw them in at the most random parts of your sentences, that it makes no sense," Stefan adds.
I know they're right, but I just shoot them a glare.
Everyone leaves to do their jobs and Dante and I head to the hospital.

"I'm Mrs. Constantino, where's my son and daughter in law? Are they okay? Is the baby okay?!" I'm frantically asking whoever I see once I arrive at the hospital.
After being directed on where to go, and a 15 minute walk around the ridiculously large hospital, I find Dr. Jones.
"Dr. Jones, I'm Mr. Constantino, and this is my wife, Luna. Our son Dante Constantino and his fiancé were brought in earlier."
The doctor shakes our hands before explaining, "they were in a bad car accident. From what the police said, the man in the other car was texting, and had crossed over into their lane. They crashed head on at a very high speed. Luckily, the car is so big and safe, that they weren't killed on impact."
"Oh my god!" I gasp.
"Your son had a broken femur, broken ribs, and severe bruising to his chest and face but nothing internal. He's on IV fluids and pain medications."
I feel slightly relieved, knowing no life threatening injuries have happened.
"What about his fiancée and the baby?!" My worry is just as fast to return.
"Well, Nadia wasn't so lucky. She had a punctured lung, ruptured spleen, a mild concussion, and very severe cuts and bruising to her face, arms, and chest. We repaired the lung, removed the spleen, and have her on antibiotics as well as pain medications and sedation."
"What about the baby?!?!!" My voice is about to break.
"Right now, the baby is alive, but the next 24 hours are critical, for both of them. We've got to be very careful that no serious infections come from the spleen surgery, and she will be recovering for a while..." the doctor trails off before he drops his eyes.
Looking back up, he softly says, "the prenatal specialist gives the baby a 50-50 chance. After 24 hours, it could go up to 60-40 and after the next 24 hours, 75-25. After those 72 hours, the baby is pretty much in the clear."
A sob comes out of my mouth, and I feel Dante's strong, warm arms wrap around my waist. I would've collapsed if it hadn't been for him doing that.
"You two are welcome to stay here, of course. Dante Jr is in room 205, and is lucid enough for visitors. Once we get Nadia and the baby stable enough, he will allow visitors, but for now it's best to leave the nurses alone, to check on her every 10 minutes."
"Thank you Doctor," Dante shakes his hand.
Dante turns to me and holds me tightly up against him, letting me cry into his shoulder.
I don't know how long I stay like that, but Dante's phone ringing snaps me out of my trance.
Quickly answering it, he asks, "what's going on?"
I can't hear anything, but I wait there as patiently as I can. A bunch of mumbles later, Dante hangs up.
"Vito found the kidnapper. It was Sienna, she has the baby."
Sienna, I think madly. Sienna, I think again getting more angry. Sienna, and this time I think of her name, all I see is red.

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