Chapter 20- The Fun Part of Training

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Luna POV (yay!)

"So, now, is the fun part of training!" I clap my hands, ready to teach my great mafia queen ways.

I had taken Nadia to the mall, to show her which shops I like to use for parties, house supplies, some casual clothes, and more.

Now we were sitting in my office at the house.

"Red wine should only be offered for a dinner party when you're actually sitting at the table. If everyone is walking or standing around, only serve white wine and light colored liquors. That way if someone drops their drink, it won't stain. Spend the extra money on a good bartender, that knows a wide variety of drinks, is friendly but not too invasive, and isn't afraid to cut someone off when they're getting too drunk."

She nods, letting me continue, "when all the mafia families are having a gala, make sure to disguise it as a charity event, and actually donate most of the money to the charity. Galas and balls are black tie attire required, cocktail parties and normal parties are cocktail attire. On the nights you are hosting these things, you will be running around crazy, and barely have any time off of your feet, so try to use heels that have a thicker heel and don't go higher than four inches. Also, make sure to wear them on the concrete driveway a couple times, to wear in the bottom of the shoe so they're not slippery."

"Got it, what else?"

"Focus when people introduce themselves, and try not to zone out. It's important to actually remember names and who they are/what they do. I think that's about it for the party rules."

"Okay, I can do all that. Now what?" Nadia asks, and I like how serious she's taking this.

"It's not a rule, but when the men have been in a long meeting, I would bring them freshly baked cookies. It boosts their moods, which makes life easier for you. Now, this next rule is very important," I pause, "make sure anything to do with the mafia can not be tied to the legal businesses. Burn anything that could, or keep it at the home office. Last, but not least, if Jr wants security to go with you, allow it, don't try to ditch them, don't complain about them. He needs the peace of mind."

"Okay, that all sounds simple enough. And in case I forget, I have the queen of all queens to help me out," Nadia smiles.

"Yes you do!"

Dante Jr POV

"So father, what do you think of getting into the shipping business, as well. We could pay off some customs workers and we could ship product in our own boats," I confidently state.

"It could work, why don't you look further into costs, liability, need for product, and let me know."

"Another thing I wanted to run past you, we've been receiving these letters," I hand over a couple envelopes with unsigned letters in them. "They are threats about Serena. What do you suggest we do?"

My father is a legend for a reason, and I will always ask his advice before I make any move.

"Hmm, have one of your men consult where this paper was made, who sells it. Also, have them call post offices in NY and ask if they've seen anyone sending mail without return addresses, if they can, have them send their security footage. Until you have enough clues to determine whose doing this, add extra security on your family and the nanny."

"Thank you, sir, I'll do that. Enzo, you get on the paper and post office. Stefan, you figure out some numbers for me on the shipping stuff. One last thing, dad..."

He ushers for me to continue.

"What do you think of this ring? I'm going to ask Nadia to marry me." I can't help but grin widely.

"I love it son, but definitely run it by your mother, she's the one with the style in this family," my father answers laughing and shaking his head

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"I love it son, but definitely run it by your mother, she's the one with the style in this family," my father answers laughing and shaking his head.

"How are you going to do it," my uncle Vito adds.

"Well we have a doctor's appointment tomorrow about the baby, I thought after that I could take her to the coast, and do it there."

"Good luck, kid." Uncle Vito slaps my shoulder and my father pulls me into a hug.

"See you later Jr, you're doing a great job," Dad compliments before they take their exit.

I look at the ring, 'I hope she says yes...'

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