Chapter 21- Tonight Is The Night

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Dante Jr POV

Taking Nadia's hand, I helped her out of my black Range Rover, and lead her into the doctors office. I couldn't wait to see how far along she was and see the little baby, that was starting to develop, on the ultrasound.
"Ah Nadia, Mr. Constantino!" Dr Collins greets us. "You guys ready to get started?" We both squeeze each other's hands and nod.
  "There's the baby! And....there's the heartbeat!" Dr Collins announces.
I start tearing up, the sound is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard, besides our first baby's heartbeat.
"I'd say you're around 10 weeks. So the baby is about the size of a strawberry at this point! Also, you're going to start be showing, so I suggest to start buying the beginning of your maternity clothes. We can also get some testing done today, if you'd like."
I nod my head, knowing you can test for Down syndrome, something about their spine, and a few other things to make sure they're healthy.
After everything was done, Nadia asks, "so I began my training but Luna suggested I ask you about the exercise and make sure it's okay."
"Exercise is actually great for the baby as long as you don't overdo it. Remember to warm up and cool down properly, drinks lots of water, and try not to do too many exercises laying on your back. If you feel tired or weak, stop exercising and relax. And, of course, no contact sports. If that's all the questions you have, let's set up an appointment for 6 weeks and we can find out the gender."
Our faces are lit up completely at the exciting news.
After the appointment, I take us home to get changed, and to grab the ring. Tonight is the night I propose to her.
"Come on, love," I grab her hand in mine, and lead her to the car.
A couple hours later, we arrived at the hotel, and after putting our things away, I insisted we go walk on the beach. It was sunset, her favorite time of the day, and the water and sky together looked beautiful, I couldn't have asked for a better night to do this.
Strolling down the beach, hand in hand, I turn to her, causing us to stop walking.
Getting down onto one knee, I pull out the ring.
"Nadia, not only have I fallen in love with you, you have given me a beautiful daughter, and another baby on the way. Since the day I saw you, I wanted to make you mine. So Nadia, will you marry me and officially be mine?"
Tears are pouring down her plump cheeks, and she drops her hands from her mouth, "oh my god yes! Yes Dante, I will marry you!"
I gently push the ring on her finger, and pick her up, kissing her hard, telling her how much I love her in between kisses.
We quickly make our way back to the hotel room, and I sit on the bed, pulling her to straddle my lap as we make out. Pushing her hair to one side, I slowly kiss her down her neck.
Ring. Ring. My phone goes off.
"Just ignore it," I whisper before returning my lips to hers.
Ring. Ring. It goes off again.
Not bothering to answer it, I lay her on her back, and start to kiss my way down her chest. Just as I'm about to play with her breasts, another phone call comes in. I roll my eyes, as she giggles, "it's okay, just answer it."
"What?!" I snap answering the phone.
"Hey, boss, sorry to bug you but..." Enzo's voice trails off.
"" I spit with gritted teeth.
"I don't know how to say this, but, Serena has been kidnapped.."
My phone flies out of my hand, hitting the floor hard, screen shattering.
"We've got to go, Serena's been kidnapped." With zero time to explain, I start packing everything as fast as I can.
Nadia is just frozen, unable to comprehend the terrifying news.
"Let's go," I grab our things in one hand, her hand in the other and drag her to our car.
I'm flying down the road, at a dangerous speed.
"Babe I know we need to get back, but you need to slow down!" Nadia snaps me out of my thoughts.
Instead, I accelerate more.
"Babe, SLOW DOWN! It won't help the situation if we don't even make it home.." I hear her words, but they don't soak into my brain.
Rounding a tight corner, I see headlights on the wrong side of the road, and it's too late. We crash head on.

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