You Are Not Alone

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Clarke looked up at Bellamy from the passengers' seat of his Bentley. She didn't want to go inside, she didn't want to talk about it. She wanted to lay in bed and talk to Miller about the book, get to actually writing the story, not the characters' logistics.

"You should go in. I'm fine."

"You are not fine, Clarke. You haven't talked to me in two days except to tell me if your hungry or not. I need more than that, Clarke. I love you and this isn't you."

"I don't want to talk about it and I don't want to see Echo so stop pushing me to do things I don't want to do."

"This isn't for me. This is for us. This is for you. Why do you get to be the only one feeling this?"

"Since when did you have emotions to feel anything?"

Bellamy stepped back from the car steeling his jaw with a slow sobering breath. "Since you're so keen on pushing me away, get the fuck out of my car and walk home. Or you can go inside and talk to Echo with or without me."

Clarke glared at him with a dead look in her eyes.

"You are not staying in the car, there is no third option. So get out and start walking or get out and go inside."

She stood and walked around him in the car door. "I hate you," she spat as she walked towards the building.

Bellamy sighed as he closed the car door, "At least that's a feeling." He followed her inside.

Echo opened the door to her office when Bellamy got there assuming Clarke rang the bell when she got up there. "Bellamy and Clarke, I hope you two had a wonderful vacation."

"Wrong term," Clarke said before walking past her and into the office.

Bellamy grimaced. "It's a long story that she doesn't want to go over," he explained holding the door for Echo to go in first.

"All right, so what happened since I last saw you, Clarke?"


"Clarke, you need to talk to someone. You're not talking to me and Miller said—"

"Don't you dare ask Miller about me! He has nothing to do with this and I don't need to talk about it because there's nothing to talk about!"

"Clarke," Echo said softly and Bellamy saw Clarke's fist clench. "How was your Christmas?"

"Fine, the same as always. My mother criticized me my stepfather tried buying me but just slightly more clever this year, using Bellamy. Then my mother tried making up for it at the spa like usual. It was my typical Christmas but this year Bellamy was there."

"She's pregnant," Bellamy said, knowing that Clarke wouldn't say it.

"I want to say congratulations but the looks on your faces mean it's not a good thing."

"We have to terminate. We found out Friday and we have a scheduled appointment for the procedure for next Friday, which is why I wasn't here, I was in shock."

"I'm sorry, we're you happy about it before finding this news out?"

"Beyond. We both were and now she won't even talk to me."

"Clarke? You're not talking to Bellamy?"

"That is not Bellamy. That is some freak that took over his body and... that is not the person I'm with."

"What do you mean?"

"My Bellamy, wouldn't be calm about losing the child he was excited about. My Bellamy wouldn't be excited about an unplanned pregnancy. He'd be furious and break down a wall. But this calm, happy, supportive Bellamy... I don't know who he is."

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