Live Like a Dream

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9 Years Later:

Clarke tried washing the stubborn red oil paint out of her hair in the kitchen sink when she heard feet stomping down the stairs and a sob before her legs were slammed into the cabinets.

"Levi?" she asked in her warning voice that reminded her a little too much of Abby.

"I didn't mean to! I was just going to ask him about my field trip and I knocked over the clock and... and it was an accident!"

Clarke turned around now that Levi let go of her thighs and got down to his eye level, "You know better than to bother your father while he's working, it couldn't have waited until dinner?"

"It's to the museum, I thought he'd want to chaperone!"

"And it could have waited until dinner like your mother said," Bellamy said walking into the room. "I'd love to chaperone," he smiled before pressing a kiss to Clarke's lips. "When did you get home?"

"Five minutes ago, I brought Chinese. No one told me I had paint in my hair the entire afternoon so I'm afraid you're going to have to deal with this red streak until it washes out."

Bellamy's eyes sparkled a little. "It totally works for you. Wasn't there a Halloween in college where you wore a long red wig and you were some death eater?"

"Wow, you're senile now? That's Harry Potter and I was the Commander of Death from one of Jasper's post apocalyptic video games."

"Am I still in trouble?" Levi asked sheepishly.

"Oh, you're still in trouble. Go get your sisters for dinner," Bellamy told him and Levi ran out of the kitchen and upstairs before Bellamy could say anything more.

"They're home?" Clarke grimaced, why was the house so quiet if they're both upstairs in their room?

"That's part one of your surprise. You'll see after dinner."


Clarke wasn't too big on surprises, but Bellamy loved them so she'd gotten used to them over the years. Their lives weren't easy or picture perfect, Bellamy still went and saw Echo twice a month and sometimes there were emergencies in between but there weren't many, Clarke strategically told him she was pregnant the day before he had an appointment scheduled. He still scheduled her conventions and exhibits so they weren't a shock to him and that was work, he's better with work related issues. Their life was a different story, Levi just turned eight and Bellamy barely slept the first month after he was born. Even had Miller's dad do a background check on all his school friends' family members and hired private investigators to follow them in case the background checks were wrong about them being clean. He was paranoid and rightfully so after everything he's been through. Clarke is trying to have Echo teach him that he can't protect his children from everything, that bad things can happen anywhere and in different ways, not just people they know.

Clarke leaned up and kissed her husband, deepening it when she didn't hear their kids, they haven't had sex in a while and she was jonesing for him.

"Gross. I'm going to Kristen's house after dinner," Madi said walking into the kitchen, her head in her phone.

"Who's Kristen?" Bellamy asked and Clarke smiled at him, patting his chest when she pulled away.

"My girlfriend," Madi told him as though it were obvious. "I told Clarke about her, I thought you knew."

"Madi has a girlfriend!" Kyra sang skipping into the room, Levi rolling his eyes behind her.

"Shut up, Kyra!"

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