All Grown Up

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Hannah's POV

I woke up as the bed began to move beneath me, essentially shaking me awake, and I barely had time to figure out what it was before the excited voice of Hank echoed through our bedroom.

"Dad, wake up! It's camping day!" He practically squealed as he plunked himself down between us, continuing to shake Harry. "Come on we gotta get to the woods!"

Harry groaned as I slowly opened my eyes, just in time to see Hank's face drop as he seemingly realized that he had also woken me up in an effort to wake up his dad.

"Oops, sorry Mom." He said awkwardly. "I didn't mean to wake you up too."

"Well I think you woke up anyone in a mile radius, you little monster." Harry sighed as he grabbed Hank and put him in a headlock. "Alright, I'm up."

"What time are we going? Do we have to pick up everyone else? Where are we going again? Can we go soon? I wanna make sure we can be there as long as-"

"Alright, alright settle down." Harry chuckled. "It's all sorted out, we'll have lots of time, we just have to do a few things before we leave."


"Why don't you go brush your teeth and I'll check your bag while dad has a shower?" I yawned, and Hank hopped off the bed and scurried down the hall without another word.

I felt Harry lace his arms around me and nuzzle his face into my neck, doing his best to soak in what would most likely be our last few minutes alone for the rest of the weekend. The twins had been off school for the summer for a few weeks by that point, and Hank had been harassing Harry to cash in the promise he'd made him about going camping. The summer weather had finally arrived, and he knew it was prime time to go, but being that it was the busiest season for construction Harry had to strategically plan a way to get the time off work.

We'd purposely waited until only a few days before to tell Hank that he would finally be going, and from the moment he found out he'd been completely beside himself with excitement.

"I think we may have created a monster." Harry chuckled as I rolled over to face him, the sleepy grin on his face making me smile.

"I hope you got a good sleep, cause he's gonna have you running around the forest all weekend." I smiled.

"I'm not too worried about it, I think it'll be fun. I've been looking forward to it. It's like our first real boys trip."

"I know, I think you guys are gonna have fun. I'm glad you're taking Hank with you though, because at least one of you should know how to survive in the woods." I giggled.

"Hey, I've survived a lot worse things than the woods." He scoffed. "Besides, I've been doing my research. I think I'll be just fine. You might wanna pray for the rest of the boys, though."

"I guess we're gonna find out." I laughed. "I'll be anxiously awaiting the stories."

Harry smiled as he leaned down and kissed me, letting his lips linger against mine for a few seconds before he pulled away and brushed the hair out of my face.

"I'm gonna miss you, bird." He said softly.

"Me too, babe. It's only a couple of days though, Mace and I have lots planned to keep ourselves busy."

"Oh I'm well aware, she's been chatting my ear off about it for days." He chuckled as he rolled onto his back, taking a deep breath as he prepared himself to get out of bed and start the day. "I guess I should get in the shower, if I'm thirty seconds late on leaving I'll never hear the end of it."

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