"Friends" Chapter 45

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"Sure, man..." I let Gio into Justin's living room and he walked in and looked around. I could feel my palms get sweaty and I felt the overwhelming urge to vomit right then and there. Why was he here?

"This is a reaaally nice place..." He looked around in awe.

"Oh, thanks... Umm... How did you find me? Just wondering..." I followed him in and I went into the kitchen.

"Well, I know you know my wife... You guys are good friends, right?" He completely ignored my question and I just shook it off.

"Y-yeah. You could say that... Do you want something to drink?" I walked over to the fridge.

"Yeah, do you have any beers?" He sat down at one of the barstools and I peeked into the fridge. I grabbed one of the beers that Justin drinks all the time and handed it to him. "Ah, perfect..." He wiped his forehead and gulped down half of the beer. "Can I ask you a question?" He set his glass down really loud. I leaned on the counter across from him and crossed my arms.

"Yeah, sure."

"So I know you and my wife have been hanging out a lot recently and I'm not here to beat you up and tell you to piss off or anything, but... I figured she talks to you, am I right?"

"Well," I ran my fingers through my hair. "We don't sit in complete silence when we eat..." I chuckled and he rolled his eyes.

"You know what I mean." He took off his glasses and looked down at them.

"Well, yeah we talk."

"Okay, I'm just going to straight up ask you: Has she said anything about me recently?" He put his glasses back on. He gulped down the rest of the beer and set it down.

"Hmm... Not really. I asked her how married life was and she said it was good... That's the most she said about it, really. Do you want another one?" I reached over, took the glass of the counter and tossed it into the trash. He slowly nodded his head. I grabbed another cold beer and set it in front of him.

"Thanks... So how are you, man? Val told me that you were in the hospital." I really wasn't up for sharing anything about myself to this guy... I didn't like the way he talked to Valerie and I just didn't like him for being married to her.

"Yeah, I'm good. It's personal stuff."

"Oh, I see..." His words began to slur together. "So you 'n your wife are divorced, correct?"


"Bummer... Hey, I know there's an Ice Hockey game on right now, wanna watch it?"

Hell no.

"Sure..." He smiled at me and gulped down the rest of the beer. I walked over to the TV and picked up the remote.

We watched the hockey game for a while and he had another three more beers. I hated to admit it, but he was a fun guy to watch a game with. He knew everything about the sport and he was a funny guy.

The game was finally over and he was totally drunk. He could barely talk. I turned off the TV and it was about 6:45. Justin should be home soon...

"Hey, we're buddies, right?" He patted me on my arm.

"Uh, sure." I chuckled at how shit-faced he was.

"Dude," He leaned forward and could hardly look me in the eyes. "I gotta get something off my chest... I just have to tell someone..."

"Okay...?" I pulled my arm out of his grasp.

"Dude... I fuckin' cheated on Valerie..."


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