Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 


"I can't believe this is finally happening!" Claire said excitedly from the back seat with her brothers as Harry drove to the hospital that morning.

"Me neither," Liam muttered, then turned his head to yell at his husband. "Now hurry the f*** up, Harold! This is all your fault! Kids, ignore the fact that I just swore. You should never swear at your husband or wife. It's rude and - AAAH!"

As another contraction hit Liam, making him scream in pain, the kids started screaming as well. Harry jumped a bit at the loud noise and accidentally swerved the car to the right.

"Harold, are you trying to kill us?!" Liam shouted.

"No! Sorry. You all started screaming and I got - It was just surprising, okay?" Harry responded.

"Then drive carefully! I'm about to give birth to this child you practically forced me to have, so have some respect to me and  the baby!" Liam snapped. "But I love you, honey; you know that."

Their children were just sitting in the back, holding their chests from near heart attacks when their Papa swerved the car a bit. Claire was fanning herself with her hands, taking in big gulps of air while her brothers were trying not to faint in their seats.

"Are you still rolling, Ethan?" Harry asked from the driver's seat, turning around to look at the back.

"Yeah, Papa," the boy replied, waving the video camea a bit in front of himself.

"Harry, keep your eyes on the road!" Liam cried out, slapping his husband's arm to get his attention. "Ethan, don't distract your Papa now! I really need to get to the hospit- AAAH! F***! This hurts!"

Claire covered Dylan's ears as the youngest child clapped and said, "Dad keeps swearing!"

"Not now, Dyl!" Harry called back, facing the front again.

"I can't believe you agreed to filming this whole thing," Liam muttered, trying to breathe through the contraction. "And again, I'm sorry you have to hear me curse, kids!"

"It's okay, Dad!" they answered, giggling in the back.

The older father grinned at their response, earning an elbow to his side from Liam. "Ow, love. We're almost there."

"Just please hurry," Liam panted out.

Once they reached the hospital and Harry parked the car, he quickly got out and told the kids to follow him as he helped Liam out. He told Dylan to get a wheelchair for their Dad, since Liam could barely walk with his large belly that had a baby ready to come out real soon.

"Ethan, just keep filming while we get your Dad in the hospital," Harry instructed.

"Got it," his eldest son answered, turning the camera towards Liam. "So, Dad, how are you feeling now that we're at the hospital?"

"How do you think  I feel, son?" Liam hissed, trying to breathe as he felt another contraction coming.

Harry took that as a sign to wheel his husband in the hospital, quickly stopping at the front desk to let them know about Liam's case. The younger father cried out again, curses flying everywhere as he told the nurse to just get him in a room already.

"We can probably bleep most of that out," Claire said to her twin, who panned the camera towards her.

"Dad's got a dirty mouth today," Dylan observed, waving at the camera turned towards him now. "Ethan, make sure you get my right side. It's my better side. Or is it my left? Claire, which one - "

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