Chapter Twenty-Three

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Emma Mabel

Eyes. So many eyes watching her.

Emma shifted her gaze down to the floor and wrapped her arms around herself as Grayson led her inside of the police department. She didn't want to be here. The last place she wanted to be was here. Aaron could be here. Her brain said that he wasn't but her body knew that he works here. Worked here.

"Everything's okay, Emma." Gray murmured as he began to steer her towards an office. Eventually, Grayson pulled Emma inside of the office. He shut the door and stepped over to start closing the blinds.

Slowly, Emma lifted up her head to see a man sitting in a desk chair with a curious expression. He glanced over towards Grayson briefly before turning back to look at Emma. "Emma Mabel." He gave a smile as he pushed himself up to his feet. "Well I'll be damned," He murmured, beginning to step forward towards Emma.

Emma, not being familiar with him, flinched and stepped back into the door that had been closed. The man immediately stopped walking, taking a step back. "Sorry, sorry." He said, watching her carefully. "My name is Zachary Malcolm. I'm a captain here at the LAPD." He gave a soft smile. "You're safe, Emma."

Grayson stepped over towards Emma and slowly began to guide her away from the corner of the room. He brought her over to a chair and sat her down. "He's not going to hurt you, Emma." Gray murmured quietly, shooting a glance towards Zach.

Zachary rubbed his temple, likely trying to process the fact that Emma was in his office, before speaking. "Not that it isn't an absolute pleasure to see you Emma, because it is... but what are you doing here?"

Before Grayson could speak, Emma opened her mouth and began to mumble. "I don't know. I don't want to be here."

Zachary shot a glare towards Grayson and crossed his arms. "Didn't I tell you to take her home?"

Grayson held up his hands defensively and quickly spoke. "I did." He explained. "Her husband reminded her of..." Grayson paused for a moment before continuing, his teeth clenched slightly. "Aaron."

Emma squeezed her hands together on her lap, watching curiously and cautiously as the two men spoke. It was unfortunate. Though Grayson said husband while trying to reference Arthur, Emma's initial thought of husband turned to Aaron.

Zach nodded his head, putting the pieces together. "Ah," He said, beginning to open a drawer in his desk. "Well, is there another place you're comfortable with... going, Emma?"

Aaron's basement.

Emma glanced down towards her knees and shook her head. She knew that saying that would be the wrong answer. There were always wrong answers. "No," Emma murmured.

Zachary let out a sigh and furrowed his eyebrows together in thought. "Well I'm sure being around the station isn't very comforting." He stated, reaching his hand into the drawer. "While I've got you here, Gray." Emma watched as Zach pulled out a gun from the drawer and pushed it across to Grayson.

Emma's eyes grew wide and her breathing began to grow shallow. She stumbled out of the chair and began to scramble for the wall. "Whoa, hey." Grayson ignored the gun and followed after Emma. "Emma, it's okay." He began to try to sooth her immediately. "We're not going to hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you. Deep breaths, Emma."

Her chest pounded with her heart. She clutched the doorknob, remaining still. She hasn't yet opened up the door - though she's still debating about it. She didn't want to see all of those eyes - but she didn't also want to see all of the memories of Aaron threatening her with a gun. Fortunately, he never used it on her.

Grayson placed a hand soothingly on Emma's back. She shook slightly. After a few moments, she eventually turned back around. "There," Gray murmured supportingly with a smile. He began to guide her to the chair, where she sat down.

Emma's eyes then immediately shifted over to stare at the gun on the desk. Zach took a step back, watching Gray and Emma without a slightest clue on what to do to help. "Emma," Grayson spoke, which caught her attention. She shifted her gaze up to look at him. He towered over her while she sat - though everyone towered over her. She was only five feet tall, after all. "I'm going to pick up the gun - okay?" He spoke slowly. "But I'm not going to be using it against you - ever." Gray assured. "The gun is to be used to protect you and me. Okay?"

Slowly, Emma nodded her head. She squeezed her knees and watched as Grayson walked over. Gray eyed Emma carefully while he picked up the gun, slowly sliding it onto his belt. Then, he hid the gun behind his jacket. "You okay?" Grayson checked with her for what felt like the hundredth time that day.

Not that it wasn't necessary.

"Yeah," Emma murmured quietly. She crossed her arms slightly and squeezed her elbows, leaning over in the chair.

Zachary then decided to speak. "Uh," He started, glancing towards Grayson. "Detective, how comfortable are you taking Emma to your place?"

Grayson raised up his eyebrow and glanced over towards his superior. "I mean I can," He said slowly. Gray was about to add on a but, but Zach cut him off.

"Perfect." Zachary said, pushing the drawer closed in his desk. "Take Emma over to your home. Make her feel safe. She'll feel more safe there than here, most likely." Zach said, a bit of disbelief in his voice. Emma wasn't surprised. Most people probably felt safest at the police station.

Unless, of course, you were kidnapped by a cop.

Clearly not letting it be up for debate, Zach pushed in his office chair and began to walk for the door of his office. He nodded his head towards Emma, watching Grayson. "Don't let anything happen to her."

"I won't," Grayson responded immediately as Zachary left the office. Emma and Grayson remained still as the door clicked closed, to which Gray exhaled.

Emma watched Grayson for a few moments in silence until he turned his attention to her. "So... my apartment." He spoke out loud, likely not thrilled with the idea of having to take Emma to his personal home. Gray wasn't going to say that, though. Emma couldn't picture him saying something like that.

Slowly, Emma pushed herself up onto her feet. They were going to be moving to the car - again. Emma recognised the signs. She folded her arms over her chest as Grayson stepped over to the door. Much like how they got in here, Grayson placed his hand on her back and began to steer her through the department and out the front door. Emma merely kept her eyes down like Aaron had trained her - though she also kept it down so she wouldn't see all of the eyes watching her in shock that she's alive, most likely.

Emma slipped into the passenger seat and stared at her knees. Grayson sat himself down in the driver's seat and rubbed his neck, likely from being uncomfortable. Starting the car, he began to drive towards his apartment. "My place isn't in the best condition," Grayson began to explain. "Just... as a warning."

"It's okay." Emma assured him quickly with a nod to her head. She kept her eyes down and her hands clasped together as they drove. Eventually, with little talking throughout the drive, Grayson parked. He began to steer Emma out of the car and towards the apartment building, letting out a sigh at the fact that Emma refused to lift up her head.

Stopping in front of his apartment, Grayson began to unlock the door. He pushed open the door for Emma with his foot as he leaned over to turn on the light.

'Isn't in the best condition' was an understatement. The place was an absolute mess. Grayson merely stood by the door with embarrassment as Emma looked around the apartment with her eyes. "It's a little messy," Gray muttered out.

Emma blinked her eyes and didn't react to his comment. Her Emily training had that agreeing with the comment could get her hurt. Therefore, going along with what Emily would do, Emma immediately stepped into his apartment and began to pick up the trash and dishes. She started to clean.

The Perfect EmmaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora