Chapter Forty-Seven

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Emma Mabel


Arthur stood at the door, his eyebrows shot up as high as they could go in surprise and other emotions that Emma couldn't quite place. It was a bit heartbreaking - she was married to him for years and she still couldn't recognise some of his emotions.

"Are you, uh... okay?" Arthur asked hesitantly, staring at her.

Emma squeezed the bag holding the blanket softly with her hand, running her thumb across the envelope with the divorce papers in the other. "Yeah," She said slowly. "I'm okay." As long as you don't get mad. Emma thought in her head.

Arthur pushed open the door. "Come in. Please." He urged, holding the door open wide for her. She found it amusing. She was being invited into her own home. Though, it no longer was her home.

Emma stepped inside slowly and glanced around the front entry way. Everything was familiar yet... not. Almost all of the decorations in the house were the same, however there was a mix of new belongings and decorations thrown about as well.

"So," Arthur spoke slowly, staring at Emma. He was likely extremely confused. She didn't miss the hint of bitterness in his voice. "Where's your bodyguard?"

Ah. So that was how today was going to go.

Perhaps she should just text Grayson now at this rate.

"I thought I would come by to visit alone," Emma said slowly. Arthur was still calm and Emma still felt in control of her actions and situation. She slipped the divorce papers into the same plastic baggy as the blanket, beginning to slowly walk around to look at her old house.

"Ah," Arthur said, slipping his hands into his pockets. He stood awkwardly in the main hallway and watched Emma. "Feel free to look around. It's... been a while." He paused and glanced to the side. "Are you moving back in... or..." He spoke slowly. If Emma didn't know better he sounded disappointed at the idea of Emma moving back in.

Emma felt the pain of heartbreak grow in her chest. She closed her eyes and glanced away to look towards the kitchen, letting out a slow sigh. "No, just..." She trailed off. She didn't want to drop the divorce bomb quite yet. "Just visiting." She opted to say.

"Alright," Arthur stepped into the kitchen and opened up the cupboard full of glasses. "Can I get you something to drink?" He offered, opening up the fridge. "You still an apple juice person or have your tastes changed since you... spent time with Aaron?"

Spent time with Aaron.

Emma gave a soft scoff, quiet enough so that Arthur couldn't hear it and closed her eyes. He said it as though she was just visiting a relative. To think she loved this man. Sure, Emma had changed after fifteen months but it looked like Arthur did as well.

Suddenly the guilt of dropping divorce papers didn't make her feel so bad.

"Yeah," She said as she rested the shopping bag with the blanket and divorce papers by the front door. She crossed her arms over her chest and slowly began to walk around, looking at the house. "Do you mind if I run upstairs and gather some of my belongings into a suitcase?" Emma asked, turning her head to look at Arthur. "There are some picture frames and stuff I wouldn't mind being able to see again."

Arthur gave a look of surprise and raised up his eyebrows slightly. "Oh." He finished pouring the apple juice into a glass and placed it on the counter. "Yeah. Sure. I'll just... stay down here while you do that. Suitcases haven't moved." He said.

Emma nodded her head as she made her way up the stairs and towards the closet. The woman pulled out a medium sized suitcase with wheels and began to pull it into the bedroom. Her eyes began to gaze across the room with a heartbreaking smile at the familiarity and comfort the room once had.

Not wanting to waste too much time, Emma pulled the suitcase up onto the bed and began to pack. She packed anything that she personally saw as sentimental or valuable that was her own - including jewelry, photographs, stuffed animals, and more. Packing up the suitcase with things she couldn't imagine leaving behind, Emma zipped it up. She crossed her arms and began to gaze around at the photographs that remained in the room. Though some of the photographs were familiar, ones they had a long time ago, some weren't. There were images of Arthur smiling with his coworkers as well as one with Arthur and Lily together smiling by the beach. The one that really caught Emma's mind was the one of Arthur and Lily kissing.

The woman blinked her eyes as she stepped forward over to the photo. She picked up the frame and stared down at it. The person Arthur was having an affair with... was Lily...? Emma was fixated staring at the picture, practically taking in every small detail. Arthur was even wearing his wedding ring.

Emma felt tears begin to form in her eyes and quickly blinked them away. She picked up the suitcase, as well as the photograph of Arthur and Lily kissing, beginning to make her way down the stairs.

Arthur lifted his head up and smiled towards Emma once he saw her returning down the stairs. His smile wiped off his face the moment he saw what Emma was holding. "I," He pushed himself up to his feet. "I meant to put that away..." He trailed off slowly.

Because that makes it so much better.

Emma could practically feel her chest collapsing in betrayal and pain as she stared at him. She tossed the photograph towards him and watched as the impact, although not all that hard, made the frame break. The glass shattered across the floor around Arthur.

Arthur immediately jumped in surprised and raised up his voice. "What the hell Emma?!" He exclaimed in growing anger.

The more Arthur began to grow angry, the smaller Emma felt. Emma felt her chest tighten more in pain. She pressed her lips together and stared over at Arthur - who seemed to be growing Aaron's face more and more each day.

While Emma could still somewhat think, given the fact a panic attack was slowly approaching, she leaned down and shakily pulled out the divorce papers. Much like the frame, she tossed the yellow envelope towards Arthur and began to pull open the door.

Emma stared out the screen door and vaguely saw Grayson's car just pull into the driveway. She didn't text him yet - so it must have been fifteen minutes. Oh thank God.

"Why did you fucking do that?" Arthur exclaimed in annoyance. Emma was glad he wasn't wearing shoes. She hoped that he walked on a piece of glass and cut himself.

Did she really just think that.

"What's in that?" Arthur waved his finger towards the envelope she had thrown in anger. It seemed as though the envelope lost his attention, most likely because he was annoyed at the broken glass. "I can't believe you fucking..." Arthur raised his hand up to his hair and tugged the blond softly. Emma merely watched him like a deer in headlights. "Can't you just get pissed like a normal person?" Arthur exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. "Slap me or yell at me at least. Resorting straight to violence. Real classy, Emma."

Arthur was pissed. Or... was it Aaron? Emma couldn't tell much anymore. She merely stood with wide eyes. A part of her felt this urge for her own safety to kneel down and begin to pick up the broken glass - just as Aaron would want her to do. The blond man continued to yell. "Always gotta try to be fucking special. S'probably why you got yourself kidnapped, wasn't it? Just begging to be different?" Arthur threw his hand in the air in anger and glanced around on the floor at all of the glass. "Fucking... now I have to clean your mess up."

Emma felt herself shaking in fear as she stared at Aaron's face. It was definitely Aaron at this rate. For her own safety, also prompted by his comment on cleaning up the mess, Emma dropped to her knees and immediately began to pick up the broken glass. She didn't care if she cut her hand. A cut hand was much better than what Aaron would do to her. 

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