Chapter Forty-Three

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Emma Mabel

Emma felt like a shaking rag doll as Grayson held on to her. She sobbed, of course, and had the uncontrollable urge to beg Aaron for forgiveness as well as re-dye her hair to brown. It felt as though all of the progress she had done to recover was wiped.

Grayson rubbed Emma's back and held her protectively as Aaron was pulled away from the scene. Emma whimpered and tried to focus on her breathing as Gray rubbed her spine. As Emma panicked, Grayson seemed to take care of things around Emma. He spoke to a few individuals, though most of the words went over her head due to the fact she wasn't listening. Then, Gray began to steer Emma towards the car he apparently arrived in. Emma stumbled over her feet slightly as she moved, her tears blurring her vision.

Though Emma knew that Grayson was talking to Sabrina, she felt like her consciousness and focus was going in and out. She merely sat in the back of the car leaning against the window, breathing deeply. Sabrina slid into the driver's seat and Grayson slid next to Emma. He wrapped his arm around her and began to rub her shoulder again as they drove. "Emma?" Grayson spoke quietly.

Emma didn't respond, therefore he tried again. "Emma, can you look at me?"

The woman lifted up her head and turned to look towards Grayson. Gray gave her a soft smile as she looked up. "Em... we need to head down to the police station real quick. I need to... do some things. You don't have to leave my side for a moment, alright?"

Emma nodded her head and leaned into Grayson as they drove. Once they arrived at the station, Emma merely remained glued to Grayson's side as he walked into and around the station. Like Grayson promised, Emma was able to remain right next to his side. She kept her eyes to the floor and barely spoke a word - only speaking when Grayson murmured the occasional word to her.

She did, however, keep her eyes on a door. A door in particular that the station kept criminals. In this case, Aaron. She leaned against Grayson's desk with her arms crossed while Grayson was filling out a report, most likely. Emma didn't know cop things. She wasn't certain.

"Do..." Emma started to speak. Considering the fact she hadn't spoken much since seeing Aaron at the park, Grayson lifted up his head and kept his full attention on Emma. "Do... I have to see him?"

Grayson frowned as he stood up. "Now? No. Definitely not." He placed his hand on Emma's shoulder and turned her slowly, forcing her attention to shift from the door. Emma stared at Grayson with fear in her eyes - though the fear wasn't aimed at him. It was aimed at Aaron. Seeing her eyes, Grayson gave a soft sigh. He began to stuff the paperwork he had on his desk into a folder and stepped over to Emma, wrapping his arm around her waist. He slowly began to walk her away from his desk, over to Zach's office.

Emma froze slightly as they approached the office. Now that Aaron was caught, she was constantly on edge - not expecting what was to happen yet. Would she even be living with Grayson anymore, since Aaron was gone and not a concern?

"Zach, I'm going to head out early." Gray said, leaning against the doorframe. He kept his arm securely around Emma, who continued to cower in fear. "I'm going to work from home while I can. She needs some time to..." Grayson trailed off, not entirely sure what to say.

Fortunately, Zachary understood. He nodded his head and waved his hand. "Get out of here." He gave a soft smile and glanced towards Emma. "Feel better." He said - as if what she was recovering from was a mere flu.

Emma felt herself getting turned around and moved again from Grayson's hand. They walked towards the parking lot and climbed into the car. Emma took a slow breath and closed her eyes, trying to calm down as he drove.

Once they arrived back at the familiar apartment and were sitting on the couch, Grayson turned his attention to her and rubbed her shoulder softly. "Emma... are you okay...?" He asked quietly, watching her. She remained quiet for a moment. "I can call Doctor Simon and see if he can get you back in today."

Emma shook her head and lifted up her eyes to meet Grayson's gaze. She rested her temple against the couch and closed her eyes. "I'm okay." She said quietly and kept her arms securely around herself. Her emotions felt all over the place. She felt terrified, scared, and empty all at once. Yet, she didn't want to see Simon. She already felt much better just being away from the police station and, more specifically, Aaron.

However... Aaron's words. They still haunted her. "I'm not his wife," Emma murmured quietly against the couch. She opened her eyes again and stared over at Grayson who was watching her like a hawk.

"I know." Grayson said. He reached out his own hand and took Emma's softly. He squeezed her hand comfortingly and frowned. "You're not."

Emma thought about Aaron's words more as she curled up against the couch. She closed her eyes for a moment, letting out a sigh before opening it back up. "Aaron said he took your wife." Emma murmured as she recalled his words.

At that, Grayson froze. He broke his eye contact from Emma and glanced out in front of himself.

"Was she...?"

"Emma," Grayson spoke slowly as he let out a sigh. He rocked his body forward against the couch and began to stand up onto his feet. It was clear he wasn't interested in talking about it.

That was all Emma needed to fill in the pieces. "She was an Emily." Emma determined quietly while watching his back. He tensed up.

Emma thought he was going to walk away - but instead he sat himself down. He sat on the edge of the couch and leaned forward, hunching himself over slightly with a sigh. It took him a minute, but Grayson eventually spoke. "Yes." Gray murmured ever so softly. Emma barely heard him speak.

Grayson had a wife and Aaron took her. Emma laced her fingers together and remained quiet as Gray hunched over slightly. She learned more than enough - and if he didn't want to talk about it, she wouldn't press it.

"Don't worry about it." Emma murmured quietly while leaning forward to rub Grayson's back. It seemed like he needed just as much much comfort as she did. Grayson was just as much a victim from Aaron - just... from the other end.

No wonder he hated her talking about him.

Emma slowly pulled her hand away from his back and pushed herself up to her feet. She was scared, of course she was still scared, but she also needed to remain strong. She had to - for both herself and Grayson.

"I'll... make dinner." Emma murmured quietly while she began to step towards the kitchen.

Grayson shook his head and stood up after Emma. He stepped after her, which caused her to stop walking and look at him. "You've been through a lot today," Grayson argued. "How about I order something to be delivered?" He offered instead. "Pizza... Chinese... what are you feeling?"

Emma blinked her eyes and gave a soft smile. She glanced over to the couch and rubbed her cheek. "Pizza sounds wonderful," she murmured to him.

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