Chapter Twenty-Five

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Emma Mabel

"Don't worry about it. Wouldn't be the first time."

Emma worried about it.

Furrowing her eyebrows together, she continued to stir as she watched Grayson, almost questioning how to approach this. If it came down to her comfort and Aaron's comfort, Aaron's was first - hands down. Grayson had to take the bed.

...However, Grayson wasn't Aaron and Emma wasn't Emily.

"Please take the bed." Emma insisted as she turned her attention back to the stove. She wasn't sure how to handle being around Grayson. He worked with Aaron for so long and she wasn't sure what traits did or didn't rub off onto him.

Grayson remained silent as Emma began to transfer the ramen into two bowls. Placing both a fork and spoon into each bowl, she picked it up and carried it over towards the now clean kitchen table. Emma set the food down in front of two chairs facing across from each other.

"No, Emma." Grayson murmured and stepped over towards the kitchen table. He placed his hand on the back of the chair and leaned against it slightly, watching her. "In no world will I as a man let a woman sleep on the couch. The bed is yours."

Emma shifted her gaze down and stared at the the ramen for a moment. She squeezed the chair softly as she was trying to think in her head. Her life seemed to be full of thinking now. ...Was this a test? Is she being tested on if she'll sacrifice the bed or not? Is she supposed to?

It was all too confusing. Emma rubbed her temple softly with her fingers and lifted up her head to gaze out towards Grayson. Instead of responding, she merely nodded her head to the bowl of ramen. "Please, enjoy your dinner, Aaron."

His name slipped out of her tongue before she could stop it.

Emma froze slightly as she recognised what she said. She pressed her lips together and blinked her eyes a few times, avoiding Gray's gaze before turning around. She made her way over to the sink and began to clean out the dishes that she used to make the dinner. She would enjoy her dinner after everything was clean.

While rinsing out the dishes, Emma was tense. She'd already messed up. Grayson didn't like Aaron just like Aaron didn't like Grayson. Yet, here Emma was, calling Grayson 'Aaron'. She was going to be beaten - certainly. She already learned her mistake from that by calling Aaron 'Arthur'.

Emma remained on high alert as she heard Grayson let out a sigh. He remained quiet, likely thinking, before approaching Emma from behind as she washed the dishes. Emma immediately stiffened in preparation for a blow.

Except, there was no blow.

Instead, Grayson placed his hand softly on Emma's elbow. "Emma," he murmured soothingly. "I can see you're tense. It's okay." Emma slowly glanced over her shoulder to look at Gray. Gray stared with concern. "See? Safe." Gray assured her quietly. He tugged on her elbow softly - but not enough to hurt her. "Come join me for dinner. The dishes can wait." he said slowly, as if trying to convince her.

Though it took her a moment, she eventually nodded her head. Emma took a step back and began to dry off her hands. Grayson merely watched. Then, once her hands were clean, she walked over towards the table and sat herself down.

Aside from eating, Emma merely watched Grayson. Much like she did with Aaron, Emma always made sure that Aaron liked the food that she had made before eating herself. Grayson began to eat. After a few bites, he glanced up. Gray slowed his chewing and swallowed. "Everything... okay?" He asked slowly.

Emma nodded her head. "Then... you like it? It's okay?"

Grayson gave an awkward smile, likely out of confusion, before nodding his head. "Yes. It's very good. Thanks for making dinner, by the way." Gray said, lifting his spoon up slightly.

The woman nodded her head happily. She was used to making all meals to begin with. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary. "I'm glad." Emma paused for a moment, before continuing. "Can I eat?"

Gray clenched his spoon slightly in his hand before placing it down. He closed his eyes and let go of the spoon, letting out a slow sigh.

"You're angry." Emma said immediately, furrowing her eyebrows together in confusion. There were so many new rules that she had to adjust herself to.

"No," Gray said immediately and shook his head. He opened his eyes and glanced up at her. "No I'm not-" Gray glanced to the side and shrugged his shoulders slightly. "I mean, I am, but not at you Emma. I'm just... pissed at Aaron." Grayson clenched his teeth slightly and shook his head, as if trying to shake the thoughts out of his head. Then, he turned his attention back to Emma. "You don't ever have to ask me, or anyone for that matter, if you can eat. Okay?" Grayson pressed. He paused for a moment before continuing, adding. "In fact, you probably don't even have to ask me to do anything." Gray furrowed his eyebrows at those thoughts, deciding to elaborate. "As long as it doesn't put you in danger, that is. Okay?"

Emma tilted her head slightly as she tried to process what he was saying. Was it another trick question, like sleeping in the bed? She had already determined that even though Grayson said she could sleep in the bed she likely wasn't supposed to. But... not asking permission for anything?

Her mind and her body continued to fight. Even portions of her own mind were fighting each other trying to understand and adapt back into a society that she wasn't familiar with. Living with Aaron for over fifteen months had quite literally put her in a whole different world. Back in society there were far too many rules that she needed to adjust to again. It was... difficult.

"What if I do something wrong?" Emma asked quietly. She picked up the fork in her ramen bowl and began to push it around slightly, lost in her own thoughts.

Grayson watched her with a soft frown on his lips. "Everyone makes mistakes. It's okay." He said slowly. Emma merely watched him, not entirely believing what he said. Was it okay? Or was that another trick question?

Watching Emma's facial reactions, Grayson dropped the fork onto the table. He stood up from the chair faster than Emma had been expecting. In fact, it made her jump slightly. Gray slowed his motions but eventually moved around to stand next to Emma in her chair. Emma merely stared with wide eyes in confusion.

Grayson crouched down next to Emma - to the point that she was practically at the same height as him while crouching. This gesture alone made Emma extremely confused. "What... are you doing?" Emma asked slowly and carefully. She wasn't sure what was right and wrong.

"You're not going to get hurt for doing something wrong, Emma." Grayson said slowly. "And I want to prove it to you." Gray stuck out his head slightly and watched her. "Slap me."

Emma stared at him with utter confusion.

The hell kind of a test was this?


"Slap me." Grayson said it again with a slight smile, patting his cheek softly. "Right here. Make it count, too. It better sting." He joked with a growing smile.

Emma merely remained confused - staring at him as if he was the one locked up in a basement for fifteen months. "I- uh," She shook her head slightly and turned her head away. "No..." She said slowly, turning her gaze away to stare at the ramen bowl in front of herself.

Grayson wasn't having any of it. He merely turned his body so that his head was resting on the table, still staring up at her. "Come on. Slap me. I want you to see that you're not going to get hurt for doing something wrong."

The basement had far more structure and predictability than the 'normal' world did.

"That-" Emma started and shook her head. She rubbed her face, her mind continuing to fight itself - though all parts of her mind told her that slapping him was a stupid idea. Yet, here he was, wanting to be slapped. "Why? No."

"Why not?"

Emma furrowed her eyebrows together and stared at him, his chin merely resting on top of the table. It was... a valid question. Once again, her mind began to battle. A part of her head told her that if she did, she would be beaten. However, the other half told her that Grayson wanted her to do it.

Eventually, Emma made up her mind. She rubbed her cheek softly while watching him. "I will do it... but only if you sleep in your bed."

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