Chapter Sixty-Three

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Emma Carroll

Day one was finally done. Unfortunately, the fact still stood that this was day one of more to come.

Emma leaned over in the car and rested her head against Gray's shoulder softly, taking his hand that wasn't on the steering wheel. Gray glanced over towards her and ran his thumb across her fingers softly with a smile. "You okay?"

"Just... glad to be done for today." Emma admitted honestly. "I felt like I was constantly on edge. At any moment I felt like I could have just been pushed off of the tightrope I was walking."

Grayson frowned, though kept his eyes glued to the road. "Well, how about we make that tightrope a bit more sturdy for tomorrow." He said, squeezing her hand softly. Emma squeezed it back in response. "Did you have something in mind that you wanted to do tonight?"

Emma shook her head. "Nothing that comes immediately to my mind. I just kind of... want to relax. Not really think about anything."

"I can do that." Grayson said with a slight laugh as he pulled into the parking lot of their new apartment. After parking the car, the pair pulled themselves out of the vehicle and began to walk towards the building. Gray glanced over his shoulder and pressed a button on his keys, making the car honk as a sign of it being locked.

Grayson wrapped his arm loosely around Emma's waist as they walked inside. She wasn't certain if he was reaching to touch her for his comfort or her own, though she didn't mind. Eventually, Gray unlocked the door. Emma stepped inside of the apartment and made her way over to the kitchen as he closed the door.

"What are you thinking for dinner?" Emma called, poking her head into the fridge. Grayson, as normal, didn't have much of an opinion. Emma rolled her eyes and sat up from the fridge. She glanced over at the man who currently was pulling off his tie and kicking off a shoe at the kitchen table. "I'm going to make you eat an onion raw." She threatened.

Gray smirked and gave a slight snort. "You just become more and more yourself every day." He remarked while glancing over towards her. "Honestly, I'm fine with anything. Did you feel like cooking after today or did you want to order in?"

With the thought of ordering in, Emma froze for a moment. Though she was content with cooking a part of her just wanted to relax. Slowly, Emma shut the fridge door and laced her fingers together. "...Chinese~?" She asked with a growing grin.

Grayson stood up and carried his shoes over to the closet. He dropped his shoes inside with a smile remaining on his lips. "I'll order it." He said, nodding his head to the couch. "Why don't you find something for us to watch."

Eager with the offer, Emma snagged a sucker and made her way over to the couch and sat herself down. She unwrapped the lollipop and stuck it in her mouth while turning on the television, beginning to flip around for a show that she knew both Grayson and herself would enjoy. She wasn't too concerned about what Gray was ordering for dinner - he already knew what she liked from the number of times they ordered Chinese out of pure laziness. Emma wouldn't be surprised if the restaurant began to know them personally.

Landing on a show, Emma leaned back on the couch and swirled the lollipop around in her mouth. Eventually, Grayson made his way over and sat himself down on the couch - obviously a sign that it was being delivered. Enjoying the relaxation with only the sound of the television blaring out, Emma let out a soft sigh. After a day as tense as today it was a large relief.

However, Emma couldn't help but glance over towards Grayson while watching the television show. He seemed engrossed and didn't notice that Emma turned her head in the slightest.

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