Chapter Sixty-Five

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Emma Carroll

Emma was more than content to sit out in the hallway until after the trial was over. She merely leaned her head back against the bench and hummed softly to herself. Though she wasn't going to seek out a court dog, since she didn't need one for today, one did happen to pass by. Therefore, for a few minutes, Emma smiled and talked to the handler while petting the furball.

Eventually, the handler and dog had to leave and Emma remained sitting on the bench alone. Not for too long, until Sabrina practically came running out. Emma jumped in slight surprise and raised up her eyebrows. "Sabrina?"

Sabrina seemed to be having an internal battle while glancing between herself and the door behind her. "Can you handle going in there?" She eventually ended up asking.

"I don't... want to." Emma ended up saying slowly out of confusion. "Why? What's going on?"

Sabrina ran her hand through her hair anxiously. "Aaron's confessing. To like... everything. I think Grayson is going to lose it." She said, glancing towards the door. "You're his roommate, and..."

Emma pushed herself up to her feet and let concern wash over her face. The last thing she wanted to do was go in there to confront her attacker. She did more than enough of that yesterday and months before that as well.

But Grayson sure as hell wasn't going to leave that room by himself. ...Could Emma, if she walked in? There was only one way to find that out.

Emma stepped inside of the courtroom and kept her eyes down. She heard Aaron's voice - his fucking voice - but did her best to not show her facial reactions. She wasn't the best of actresses. "Aw there she is~! Hey Em, you're just in time for the good part~."

Lifting up her head slightly, Emma quickly gazed for Grayson. Once finding him, she slid herself into the seat next to him and raised up her hands. She placed one hand on each of his cheeks and turned his head to look at her. "Hey," Emma spoke softly, watching his eyes. His eyes showed pure anger. A part of Emma was scared of it, since she never was able to take anger well after Aaron, but she swallowed it down. She merely kept repeating to herself that he wasn't angry towards her. "Don't....D–don't listen. Just don't listen."

Emma's words, however, went two directions. She did her best to try to comfort Grayson but, at the same time, Emma was trying to support herself as well. It wasn't easy being in here. However, right now, Grayson was closer to cracking than Emma was for once. The change was nice, in a sense, though Emma wished it wouldn't happen at all.

"I grabbed that bitch by the hair, called her out for the whore she was, and I snapped that pretty little neck so easy I had to do it twice just to check!"


It didn't take Emma long to figure out who Aaron was talking about. Rosie. Sure, Grayson and Emma were romantically involved but part of Grayson's heart would always belong to Rosie. That's just how it was - and Emma respected that. She understood.

But talking about Rosie in such a way? That was not acceptable. In addition, it most definitely was not something that Grayson could handle listening to.

Emma grasped Grayson softly, wherever it was easiest to grab, and began to pull him up onto his feet as the commotion began to grow in the courtroom. She stumbled backwards as she pulled him out through the court doors and over to the bench that she had just been sitting at a while ago.

Being out of Aaron's reach, and the courtroom in general, made Emma feel much better. But Grayson? Well, Grayson was just the same. The anger and pain was still dominant in his eyes - if not stronger than she's ever seen before in regards to Rosie. In addition, she saw tears begin to drip from his eyes.

Emma sat down next to him and immediately wrapped her arms around him. She turned his body slightly so his torso was facing hers. Pulling him against her, Emma placed one hand on the back of his head and one hand on his back merely holding him.

Though Emma wanted to talk, to say something to make it better, nothing would. She wanted to tell Grayson that Aaron was going to be locked up and that everything was going to be okay. But everything wasn't okay. Aaron killed his first wife - and child as well for that matter.

Grayson wrapped his arms tighter around Emma as he leaned against her. She felt his eyes press into her shoulder and her shoulder slowly getting more and more wet with his tears.

Emma pressed her cheek against his head softly and ran her hand up and down his back, continuing to hold him. There was nothing more she could do - aside from holding him.

Though Grayson was stubborn. He sat himself up slightly and scrubbed at whatever wetness remained under his eyes. He pressed his fist over his mouth as he tried to regain his composure - although a bit unsuccessfully.

Raising up her hand, Emma placed it against his cheek softly and ran her thumb across. "Hey," She murmured. He darted his eyes down to meet hers. "It's okay. Everything's okay." Emma murmured the words that he seemed to so often repeat to her whenever she went into meltdown mode.

Grayson closed his eyes and let out a slow breath. He pressed his lips together as he lowered his fist from his mouth down. "Can't believe I let that fucking bastard get under my skin..." Gray scowled and opened his eyes again.

Emma frowned at him and pat his cheek softly which got his attention. "Stop beating yourself up." She murmured at him. "The only person that should be beaten up is Aaron."

Gray raised both of his hands up to his face and rubbed it softly, nodding his head in slight agreement. It didn't change the fact that Gray was extremely emotional at the moment and was, to be quite frank, struggling.

Being here wasn't going to help anything.

However... Aaron confessed to everything. If the jury didn't get him for all of that then Emma sure as hell doesn't know what's wrong with them. Considering the fact that he'll be found guilty of a lot of things... then that means Emma and Grayson aren't needed here anymore.

Emma ran her thumb under his eye once more before standing up to her feet. She pulled Grayson up to his feet as well, who listened slightly with confusion. "Come on, we're leaving." Emma murmured while wrapping her arm around his waist supportively.

Grayson seemed fond of the idea, though he let out a slight sigh. "I should tell Zach or Sabrina first," He murmured with slight annoyance.

Emma wasn't going to have any of it. "They'll understand." Emma stated firmly while beginning to tug him towards the exit. "...and if they don't..." Emma trailed off and narrowed her eyes trying to think of an excuse. "...well then I'll attack Zach again."

Grayson gave a slight snort in amusement, though a smile wasn't forming on his face. She wasn't surprised - he had gone through a lot today. Emma continued to tug him towards and out the exit, heading to his car. However, before Grayson could reach for his keys, Emma slipped them out of his pocket.

"You're not driving." Emma stated stubbornly as Gray made a face towards Emma. "You're not stable enough to drive. It's been sixteen months since I've been behind a wheel but... it's like riding a bike. Right?"

At that, Emma sat herself down in the driver's seat. Grayson eventually opened up and slid into the passenger seat. He placed his far hand back over his mouth into a fist while resting his other hand in the middle console. Emma took his hand softly and squeezed it while starting the car. "How about you let me take care of you tonight for once?" Emma offered. She ran her thumb over his fingers lightly before pulling away and placing both hands on the wheel of his car.

Emma wasn't exactly going to drive a car for the first time in sixteen months with one hand.

"Oh," Emma started to back up slowly in his car. She was good - so far. "By the way." Emma trailed off her voice casually, putting the car into drive as she lurched forward slightly - a bit faster than she meant to. "Touchy little bitch," Emma muttered in frustration at the gas peddle.

Grayson chuckled and smiled at the comment.

Emma was glad to see that smile.

She pulled out onto the street and began to guide herself through Los Angeles traffic. "As I was saying," Emma continued her first thought, glancing over to look at Grayson. "I don't have my license on me right now so let's keep this on the down low. Alrighty, Detective?"

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