Forth's Cigarrette

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Forth stopped somewhere quiet and somewhere far away where the participants were.

"Well, this is for you Ming" Forth said as he handed Ming, the BBQ he held.

Ming looked at Forth and the BBQ he held in turn with an awkward smile on his lips. Make Forth chuckle to see it.

"Calm down, i don't intend to poison you"

Ming quickly shook his head, "That's not what i mean P' "

Ming picked Forth's BBQ for him and thanked him. Then, Forth invited him to sit on the ground with him.

"I see you didn't attend the bonfire show. Where are you going P' ?" Ming said and eat his BBQ.

"I'm in my tent. My classmate called to let me know that i was one of the students who failed in one of the exams. And the lecturer asked me to do the assignment he gave instead" Forth explained.

"Is it true?" Forth nodded, his eyes looked right in Ming's eyes.

Forth turned his gaze to the clear night sky, "I've been here before, last year. And i love the night scene here. When i'm here, i'd rather look at the night sky alone. So soothing"

Forth looked back at Ming, "But tonight, i invite you here to look at this with me" his deep gaze made Ming worried about drowning in it.

Forth smiled at the frozen Ming staring at him, he grabbed a small bottle of his drinking water in his black jacket's pocket and handed it to Ming.

Ming smiled at him then took the bottle and drank the water.

"I want to try something with you" Forth said softly.

"What is it P' ?" Said Ming then put the bottle beside him.

Forth took a cigarrette out of his jacket's pocket, put in between his lips, then lit it with a match.

Ming swears he has never seen anything hotter than the scene he sees now.

Forth turned to him, then took of his cigarrette with his right hand.

"When i smoke a cigarrette, i'll blow it on you, then you blow it slowly into the air. You understand?" Forth said. Ming paused and then nodded.

Forth put his cigarrette back on his lips, sucked it up, then held his face to Ming until the tip of his nose and their lips touched. Ming opened his mouth.

Forth breathed it on Ming's mouth. As Ming wanted to exhale slowly, he choked and his eyes filled with tears.

"Shit!" Cursed Ming and coughed while holding his throat slightly burning but he chuckled after that. Hearing that, Forth chuckled too.

"I'm sorry, are you all right Ming?" Forth asked. Ming nodded.

"I just failed to blow it out. Can we try again P' ?" Said Ming while staring at Forth exicitedly.

Being near Forth isn't good for his heart that keeps pounding fast. Yet, Ming is very fond of the feeling that comes to him.

Forth sucked on his cigarrette and then blew it on Ming. Forth stared closely at Ming who was also staring at him.

Slowly, Ming blew cigarrette's smoke through his mouth with his eyes closed and his head looked up.

"Damn.." whispered Forth as he saw the scene in front of him.

The glowing light from the moon shines on Ming's beautiful skin, his long eyelashes touching his lower eyelids when closed, his dark hair looks so smooth, especially those rosy pink lips look very hot from the way they exhale slowly.

For Forth, Ming is definition of beautiful.

After Ming finished blowing it out, without saying anything Forth threw away the cigarrette he had turned off and kissed his soft lips. Ming immediately replied to Forth's kiss.

Ming's heartbeat was pounding faster and he was afraid, Forth could hear it.

Forth continued to crush Ming's lips gently, making him feel exicited.

Ming put his hands on Forth's chest, as both Forth's hands grabbed his jaws to deepen his kiss.

They take off their kisses when they need a breath. Slowly, Ming opened his eyes and found Forth staring at his face.

"What have you done to me, huh?" Forth asked softly. Ming just looked at him with a smile.

Forth looked at the watch in his left hand, the clock shows at 11.15 pm.

"It's late, you want to go to your tent?" Forth asked.

"I guess you want to look at the night sky with me?" Said Ming then grinned at the sight of Forth who chuckled.

"Okay. Only with sweatshirt and jeans?" Ming looked at the clothes he was wearing, he thinks only with this he can linger outside, right? Moreover tonight not too col-

The night wind blows across his body. Okay, it's cold tonight.

'Sure Ming, you stupid!'

Forth took off his black jacket and put it on Ming. Ming frowned, "What about you P' ?"

"I wear my hoodie, calm down"

"Only with hoodie and khaki pants?" Hearing that, Forth is gaping. Okay, Ming is a sweet and gorgeous guy at the same time. But he also smart to reply to his words.

"Damn..." Forth's thought. Forth increasingly difficult to control his feelings to kiss Ming again.

Ming shifted to get closer to Forth, then wrapped his arms around Forth's waist and hugged him from his side.

He made himself comfortable by putting he's lift temple on Forth's right shoulder while staring at the beautiful night sky.

Forth smiled and wrapped his right arm around Ming's body. He stroked Ming's right cheek gently with his thumb, then stared at the night sky with him.

Ming's desire to stare at the bright night sky with the person he cares for has been realized. Although, he didn't know what kind of affection he had for Forth.

Is the affection and admiration between junior to senior? In his mind, Ming shook his head. If only that, it's strange that they kiss.

Remembering their kiss a few minutes ago, Ming's cheek flushed red. He's heart was beating fast and warm feeling he felt was getting hotter.

His feelings for Forth began to revive his feeling for Kit.

Being near Kit, he never felt the warmth that spread through his body just because of a few touches.

But with Forth, with only a close look and a slight touch from him he felt it would melt away from the warm feeling inside him heating it from within slowly but surely.

Remember that Ming is worried about drowning just because of Forth's gaze?

He just realized that when Forth stared at him at the club, he was already drowning in it.


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