Chapter 25: Replacement

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The days after the party were dedicated to rehearsals. The group worked incredibly hard to nail each number and to eat healthy; nothing was going to get in the way of their win. That is until Thursday morning.

"It's not that I can't see why she gets the solos," Unique told Marley as the two hung out at her locker. "She's such  great singer and dancer and I really respect her."

"Yeah, I know, we all do," responded Marley as she dug through her things, distracted.

"I just thought Sectionals would be a good time for other people," said Unique, "like Shana or Amity or the guys, to get a spotlight moment. They're new and—"

"—and probably really nervous," said Marley. "Let's remember what that much pressure did to me. I'm sure Amity would respond to it in a similar way."

"Shana wouldn't," Unique claimed. "She's got plenty of performing experience from her time in VA and, let's face it, probably more confidence than the rest of us combined. She'd be great for the duet with Jake."

"In that case it shouldn't be Jake," said Marley. "It should be Alex or Dan or something."

"Exactly," said Unique, not sensing how dispassionate Marley was about the topic. "I can't believe Julie accepted the solo just like that, you know? Like... I thought she'd be the first to offer it up to someone else. You think she and Jake..?"

"No," said Marley immediately, shaking her head. "Not at all."

"Well, something's got to be up for her to be so willing to sing with him," Unique said, much more distrusting.

Marley slammed her locker shut. "I'm sure they're just friends," she said as the two began to walk.

"Who are you trying to convince?" Unique asked. "Me or yourself?" Marley ignored this question and headed towards class.


"You don't look too good girl," said Kitty when she spotted Julie on the way to first period.

"I don't feel good either," said Julie, using whatever little energy she had to speak. "I've been sneezing non-stop since the party. Yesterday my nose was stuffed for most of the day but today... Today I feel like my head is about to explode and I'm about to die."

"I hope this doesn't sound self-serving and insensitive..." Kitty said. "But are you going to be okay come tomorrow night? We sort of are set to go to Defiance and compete so..."

 "I'm sure I'll feel better by—" Julie started, interrupted by a violent cough escaping from her own mouth. When she finally spoke again, a hoarse voice said, "Tomorrow..."

"O-M-G," said Kitty, now concerned. "Code red, code red."

By lunchtime, everyone knew that Juliet Vasquez was feeling ill. Unlike most of the people around him, however, Ryder was concerned for her health and not the competition.

"Eat this," said Ryder as he handed a bowl of soup to Julie. The glee club was meeting in the choir room for lunch with Julie, who insisted that she shouldn't go to the nurse.

"What if it's serious?" asked Bree. "Don't be stupid."

"I'll be fine," Julie said, her usually smooth voice muffled by ill-fated attempts at clearing her throat. "Just need to eat a little and stuff."

"It's not, like," started Ryder, "pneumonia or something, right?"

Sugar shrieked. "What if it's contagious?" And then panic filled the room.

"Just go rest with Nurse Penny," said Sam as he walked into the room, followed by Santana,  Tina, Brittany, Mercedes, Puck, and Mike. "She can excuse you from classes for the rest of the day."

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