Chapter 47: One Week

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"Welcome back, guys," said Will as New Directions walked into the choir room the next Monday at lunch. "I trust you all made good use of your weekend. So let's hear your final choices. Harmony?"

Harmony stood from her seat and grinned as she said, "I've chosen to start the show with Jessie J's 'Domino.' But I will need backup singers. And after a lot of time ruminating over this, I've made a hard decision in selecting singers. So I've chosen to go with Unique, Kitty, Amity, and Sugar."

"I can't sing for you baby," Unique told Harmony. "I'll be singing right after you and will need to get ready during your song."

"You can just take from one of the other girls then," Will suggested. 

Harmony looked at the other four and forced a smile. "No thanks," she said. "I'm good."

"Why didn't you just say you wanted everyone except Marley, Bree, Shana and Julie then?" asked Shana. 

"I decline your invitation to sing for you, too," Kitty said.

"You'll be fine," Will told her. "You don't sing until the second half of the show."

"Oh, I know," said Kitty. "I just don't like her."

"Now you're definitely accepting her invitation," Will told her, much to her dismay. "Moving on. Unique and Alex?"

"'The Monster,'" Alex announced. "By Eminem and Rihanna."

"You rap?" Sugar asked him.

"Yeah," he said, shrugging as though it wasn't really good.

"He also loves Calculus," Amity mentioned. Alex rolled his eyes and smiled at her.

"Great," said Will. "Can't wait to hear it. Marley, Bree and Amity?"

Marley froze, ready to admit that they hadn't discussed it. "'Nobody's Perfect' by Jessie J," said Bree. She glanced over at Marley, who nodded, and then high-fived Amity.

"Wait, no, no, no," Harmony protested. "I'm doing a Jessie J song. We can't both do one."

"Great," Bree told her. "Then don't do yours."

"But I've already chosen it," she argued.

"We've chosen ours, too," said Bree. "And it's three against one."

"I have four other girls and--" Harmony began.

"Enough," Will stopped her. "You can both do Jessie-whoever songs. Julie and Jake?"

Julie, arms crossed, stayed quiet. Jake sighed and said, "We couldn't come to a decision..."

"Too many options?" Will asked.

"No," said Jake. "She just wouldn't take any of my calls over the weekend."

"Wonder why..." Bree muttered.

"Why do you say that?" Ryder asked her.

She looked up, not realizing she'd said that out loud and quickly lied, "No, I'm literally wondering why. I mean, Julie always answers her calls."

"My phone was cut off over the weekend," Julie lied.

"But you--" Dan began. Bree throw her nail filer at him and he shut up.

"Ok, then," said Will. "Choose fast. Might I suggest a dance number?"

"No," Julie quickly said.

"Ok then a ballad," Jake told her.

"Definitely not," she responded.

"Julie, you have to choose something," Will told her. She shrugged so Will said, "Jake it's completely your call."

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