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And she embraces him.

Tears. Sobbing. Crying. All this time, she has been dying... Dying for his return, in hope undying. Against the darkness, the evil defying... Defying her light, her love mystifying...

But he has chosen to come home. That's all that matters.

The darkness never mattered. The darkness is defeat. Defeated and shattered. The darkness is deceit. Illusions scattered. In her embrace it retreats. His robes in tatters...

"Whoever you are, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I see your love, I see your glory, make me yours, I beg you..."

"You're already mine!" Her battlecry to the abyss, rejoicing in pure bliss... And gracefully she does kiss, his scarred face reminisce...

"I believe..." And his heart awakens. From a spark ignites an inferno of flame, melting away the fear, transmuting the shame. From his spirit emanates a passionate claim, the infinity of love, sovereignty acclaim. From his soul he does exclaim, his lover's Truth, her heavenly name...

"Olivia... Your name's Olivia..." His voice shakes. "Yes... I'm Olivia..." Her whisper breaks. "Do you love me..." His light wakes. "Yes... I love you..." Her melody quakes...

And they embrace.

"I'm unworthy, but you saved me. I want to be all yours..." He cries... "No. I'm all yours. And you're all mine..." She sighs... "Believe me as I have always believed in you..." To his surprise... "That I'm always yours, and I live for you..." The beautiful Truth, does patiently arise...

"I believe..." And the Spirit descends into his heart. Incorruptible. Innocent. Absolute. Divine... "I'm unworthy... Use me..." As he surrenders to her embrace sublime... "But I'm willing... To be completely yours..." And she strokes him with her caress fine... "If you love me... I want to love you..." And he lets go to her touch refine...

And she laughs. Tears of joy and purity, innocent and divine... "Oh my love, you'll be exalted with me in heaven!"

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