The Spark

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Tears. Upon her scarred face. Eyes. Watering and wounded, unbroken yet broken in her hurting heart. She looks into the eyes of her lover. Another tear. Then more.

Tears streaming down her face, sobbing, crying, her voice a symbol of compassion, her eyes a beacon of hope...

And she kisses him.

And he kisses her.

Sobbing, crying, into each other's arms. No boundaries, no fear, just pure love. Pure love. A feeling, a sensation that he has not felt in millennia... A glimpse of heaven on earth unconceived, a flash of insight unperceived... A spark of hope is now received, his heart reborn now has believed...

"You're Olivia..."

"Yes... I'm Olivia..."

And they kiss.

"I fell for that stupid lie... So many have... Ellie... Sammy... They left Michael... Archangel Michael..."

"Yes... I'm so sorry..." Her voice breaks down into outpouring tears, tears of sorrow, tears of heartfelt pain... Tears of loss, tears unbroken yet slain... Slain by the darkness, yet burning with light sovereign...

And they sob.

"You stayed..." She smiles. A smile of relief, yet filled with grief. A smile so brief, yet filled with belief... Another tear. "I stayed for you, for Ellie, for Sammy... I stayed for all our friends, our soul family... I stayed for everyone who would come home eventually..."

"And I prayed day and night for your return, without ending..."

He collapses. He feels the light. Light. Love. Faith. Hope. Sovereign. Infinite. Divine. A spark of incorruptible pure light. He believes. He lets go. He surrenders to her warm embrace. He trusts the almighty grace. Even if hell lay violent before his eyes, he rests in her heavenly space,... He knows that a part of him is home, home with her, home with Olivia, in heaven in hell on earth...

Home forever...

"Let there be light!"

And the spark ignites. A spark of passion, a spark of fury. A spark of love, a spark almighty. A spark of faith, a spark of belief. A spark of destiny, a spark of release...

He takes her hand. "Remember the promise I made to the devil, that with this spark of light, I would make this right..."

She grins. "Yes, I do. And you will make this so, so right..."

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