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She shifts through the shadows, walking in the mists of despair. Sifting through twilight, searching for the light... Engulfed by the night, in lust's delight... Demon after demon, darkness after darkness, she craves the possession of carnal blight... Alone and lonely, afraid and fearful, she desires heaven, the renewing sight...

But is it real?

She remembers, when she soared towards the light... A sun of hope, a sovereign might... And it burned her, as she fell to the night... The night of darkness, of shadows strife...

And the serpent whispers, "I am the light..."

She hates the serpent, for condemning her here. She despises the darkness, for punishing her severe. She fears the light, that she did once revere... An angel in heaven, now fallen, a tear...

A flash of light. A thunderbolt. The serpent hisses, slithers away. A figure of light. A familiar silhouette. She dares not look, turning her gaze downward in shame...



She looks at the soul she ravaged, the soul that loved her, trusted her, came to hell to find her... She looks at the angel of light before her, beautiful and glorious, ready to damn her to the abyss, condemn her forever...

And she weeps.

On her knees. Stricken by guilt, stricken by shame. Condemned. Judged. Hated. Loved. Loved by the darkness, hated by the light. Loved by the lust, loved by the night...

And he embraces her.

They sob together, cry together, an outpouring of emotion, a divine connection. The tears upon her cheeks, dripping onto barren shadows, as she closes her eyes in rejection. The rivers upon her face, the sobs between her shallow breaths, her heart expecting wrathful abjection...



She opens her eyes, to the wounded body of her best friend. Bleeding, hurt, scarred by the devil's wrath. Crying, sobbing, weeping with her, pouring his heart into hers, his soul merging with hers...

"I love you..."

And she believes.

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