A New Friend!

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Maisie's POV

I uncover myself from the bedsheets and I stand up. I walk to my closet to find an outfit.

"Should I wear these sweatpants with the baggy gray shirt with the panda eating bamboo?" I ask myself. "I think it'll be good!" I reply, again, to myself.

I look at my stuffed Triceratops before grabbing the horns. I playfully shook it a little while making a growling noise.

  I go to the library with all the dinosaur bone fossils. I've brought a Tyrannosaurus Rex toy and start playing with it. The Tyrannosaurus Rex toy, I received the year before my mother died in a car crash prior to the events that took place at Jurassic World.

I sadly never got to go...

The Indominus Rex escaped and wreaked havoc on everybody and everything. And I'm pretty sure some Pteranodons escaped when all that happened. Although I've never seen a dinosaur in real life before, it would be both and honor and a blessing! I am eleven, and I do not go to school. That's why I have no friends! If I had a dino friend that would be amazing! I don't care if it were to be an herbivore.

The doorbell rang and I'm currently the only active person in the house and it feels like I'm in the twilight zone. I check the door and what'd ya know? IT'S ANOTHER KID WHO LOOKS TO BE MY AGE! as I've said before I wanted a friend and God sent me one!

"He-Hello!" I say stuttering over my words because I'm surprised.

"Hi." He says back sounding like he's nervous as well. I can tell he is surprised to meet me.

"What's your name?!" I ask with excitement, probably scaring him.

"It's...uh.. Rainy Storm!" he replies.

"No there's not. It's not even cloudy!" I tell him.

"No, that's my name! My name is Rainy," he snaps at me, "But my friends call me Rain. Could you do me a favor and call me Rain if we become friends?"

"Sure! I'm Maisie by the way!"

Rain POV

*Just before meeting Maisie*

I walk up the dirt road through the forest pretending like I'm trying to escape from Velociraptors, and I stumble on a huge open gate with the letter L in the center, which I later figure out stands for Lockwood. I go through the open gate and I go into the brush of the forest in case it is some rich guys house, and he doesn't want anybody lurking around. I recently moved into the area and thought, "Just act like you heard about them and wanted to introduce yourself" And that thought made me come out of the brush and confidently go up to the door and ring the bell. It's early, I hope I don't make them grumpy! When I ring the bell I can hear no footsteps so I ring again. Still no answer. Than the door opens and I tilt my head, and close my eyes like i'm about to be scolded. But it's a girl who looks like she's my age!

Maisie POV

After we have our little chat I invite Rainy in for tea and ask him a few questions.

"What were you doing in the forest, Rainy?"

"I um... I heard about this mansion-"

"The Lockwood Estate?" I corrected.

"Yeah I heard about the Lockwood...Place...And I wanted to say, "Hi", to the Lockwood people!" He says having a terrible poker face. I can tell he's lying, and that he's not the type of boy who likes tea, so I decide to ask him. "Do you really want tea or could I get you a Coke, Sprite or a Pepsi?"

"If I could get a non-caffeinated drink that would be fine." He says looking me in the eye trying to see what color they are.

"My eyes are hazelnut!" I tell him.

"WHAT!? Your eyes are not hazelnuts!" He yells.

"No, no, no I mean the color! My eye color is hazelnut!"

He blushes, and I do to.

Rain POV 

Maisie leaves the room. Two seconds later I hear footsteps and I see a person standing on the balcony in the library looking at me for a second before she yells. "MAISIE ARE YOU SAFE?!"

Maisie POV

"Oh No. Iris saw Rain! Iris, he's my new friend, nothing to worry about!"

"WELL THERE'S SOMETHING FOR ME TO WORRY ABOUT!" Iris says. I went back into the library to find Iris stand right in front of Rain.

"And what exactly is it that you have to worry about, Iris?" I say trying not to sound aggravated, even though I am.

"Why he, for all you know, he could be a rapist!"

"Iris just look at him! Does he look like one to you?" I yelled giving her the death stare. She walked away.

"Did she touch you, Rain?" I asked hoping she didn't lay a finger on him.

"No. She didn't touch me," Rain said, "It appears I am not welcome here."

 "I'm sorry. I tried to defend you... I think she's going to tell grandfather... In that case, you should leave. Also how old are you? If Iris did tell my grandfather, then I want to be able to tell him your age."

"I'm ten, right now, but I'll be eleven in April of 2018!" Rain said with a partial smile.

"Well thanks for coming over. I'm nine Now by the way. I'll be ten on July eighth! Thanks for stopping by! Friends?" I said, passionately offering my hand for him to shake.

"Yeah. I guess we're friends!" Rainy said smiling at me. He accepted the handshake before opening the door and walking out.

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