The Egg

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22:29 pm...

Maisie POV

I went to the front door as fast as I could, I knew that Rain was at the door because I was on my balcony when I saw him sneak from the brush of the forest. When I opened the door he was joined by two other girls...(petental competition possibly)...But from the look of things it only looked like they were friends, at least that's what I hope! I'm not greedy... (somehow)...but I liked Rain and when we first met I knew he liked me too. Probably because he was blushing excessively! "Maisie! To my left is Lexi Cortez and to my right is Alli Mason!" Rain said. I could tell I looked both scared and confused. I want to punch something and i don't know why! But whatever. Let's cut to the chase! "Lexi,  Alli I need you guys to be quiet as a church mouse! My grandfather is sleeping and i'm not supposed to be awake!"

Lexi POV 

I can be quiet. I thought as Maisie was finishing her sentence. I thought for too long... I knew it because they had all gone inside by the time I had finished my thought process. "Hey wait!" I whisper-yelled.

Alli POV

WOAH! I thought as I stepped into the mansion. "Heck yeah this place is nice!" I said to Maisie.

Maisie POV 

"SHH! I'm not supposed to be awake or showing you guys the basement!" I snapped.

"Woah! Okay, okay!" Alli said as she was shocked that I would even get so mad at somebody like her. "I'm sorry! I'm just tired. (and a little furious)." And I was a little furious! Rain had brought these girls that I had no idea even existed and I think that they are competition!

We walked over to the elevator and I typed into the touchscreen padlock next to it 7337. The numbers I typed opened a hidden elevator from the wall "Guys! I got it!" I said with excitement to Alli, Lexi and Rain. I grabbed Rains hand and pulled him into the elevator. Alli and Lexi followed.

We sat awkwardly in the elevator as it was cramped. "Ugh this elevator is only built for two people!" I said in disgust.

"Why are we even going in your basement to begin with?" Alli asked. "There's a lab in my basement." I replied.

"A LAB?!" Lexi and Alli said with excitement.

"SHH. Whatever you do you cannot tell anybody EVER about this! TAKE IT TO YOUR GRAVE UNLESS NEEDED FOR SOME REASON!" I snapped. I didn't like Rain's friends. They were to... Hyperactive!

When the elevator doors opened, we stepped into the lab with white colored walls. Blue lights automatically turned on as we walked into the room. Motion activated I guess... Lexi and Alli were eager to get in so they rushed into the lab as soon as the doors opened. "Guys! Only touch with your eyes, do NOT pick up anything or touch anything with anything but your eyes! If something is to fall and doesn't break, Pick it up with your sleeve so you do not leave fingerprints!" I yelled. "Yes Ma'am!" Lexi and Alli said, saluting. "Don't call me ma'am!" I snapped. I think i'm a little cranky, and I was beginning to think that Rain, Lexi and Alli thought that too.

There was a table with an orange light over it that caught my eye. It had an egg on it. And it was about the size of a chihuahua! I went over to the table and the egg started to move. I freaked out knowing it was going to imprint on me and started to back away... But it was to late.

 A little white creature popped it's head out of the egg and cocked its head, looking at me as if it were saying, 'Are you my mama?'

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 A little white creature popped it's head out of the egg and cocked its head, looking at me as if it were saying, 'Are you my mama?'

It hopped out of the egg like a little playful Velociraptor, but it was no Velociraptor. Raptors have three fingers, This had four. I was in a discrete part of the lab so Rain, Alli nor Lexi would see it. I got down on one knee and it came up to me and I started to pet it. I stroked its chin a little before it decided I was a Jungle Gym and started climbing on my back. It pulled on my pony tail, making it hurt a little, so I grabbed it, or i should say her because all the dinosaurs in Jurassic World were female, and said to her softly. "I'm gonna name you Kara."

She cooed softly at her name and nuzzled my thumb, as it was the closest finger to her face, and then gave me a playful bite ripping the skin a little bit but not enough to make me bleed. I put Kara on my shoulder and surprisingly she was able to hold on pretty well without falling off.

"Guys, come in here, you need to see what I found!!!" I yelled with excitement and joy. I quickly heard footsteps and then Rain came into the room. Kara cocked her head and roared threateningly at him. "Kara, don't worry he's not going to hurt you! He'll probably be your father one day." I said to her hoping to calm her down.

Rain blushed and put his hands together and started fidgeting. "We're not even... ya know, Maisie..." Rain said.

"Can we?"I quickly said.

My heart was racing as I waited for his reply in anticipation.

"Yes!" Rain said as he stopped fidgeting with his hands.

I went over to him, looked him in the eye and then kissed him,when suddenly I heard the sound of a picture being taken by an IPhone. I turned around as I grabbed Kara off my shoulder and hid her behind my back. I then turned back around to look at none other than Lexi and Alli. My eyes went wide.

"Kiss again!" Lexi and Alli said!

"Make us," I replied, crossing my arms and making a snarky face. "And delete those photos! If you're going to keep them then at least don't post them on social media!" I said, changing out my snarky face for one of a mixture of snarkyness and partial anger. 

 Female Indoraptor (Kara) POV  

'Let go of me, Stop holding me like that!' I thought as Mama held me behind her back

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'Let go of me, Stop holding me like that!' I thought as Mama held me behind her back. I'd finally had enough and bit her squiggly thing that she was using to hold me with. I have the same things as her though! Maybe one day when i'm big and tall i'll be able to hold Mama like she's holding me!

Maisie POV 

"OW!!!" I yelled in agony as Kara had bit my finger. I let go of her and she was falling and heading straight for the floor... Until Rain caught her. I looked at my thumb as it was bleeding. I didn't think to much of it since her teeth were considerably smaller than mine. I looked at her as Rain held her in his hands, looking at her in fascination. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?!" Lexi shrieked. "I think it's another Indominus Rex!!!" Rain said, rubbing Kara's tummy.

"The Indominus Rex was female... Just like this prototype Indoraptor witch is also female, Father..." a mysterious male voice said. Once again I could tell he was our age, if not eleven, twelve!

"Hide, guys!!!" I whisper-yelled. And hide they did. Rain and I hid with Kara, The female 'Indoraptor'.

My Light In The Dark ~ Book 1: Ripper's FuryWhere stories live. Discover now