Jr Doctor Casper Wu.

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Maisie POV

Kara, Rain and I hid in the desk, that was opposite from the incubation chamber and stayed as quiet as possible. I peeked around the corner to see a boy, around the age of twelve looking for intruders, with an adult male scientist named Dr. Henry Wu.

"Casper you've figured everything out but this is not the point of this operation! The point is... We are putting Jurassic Park (the one that failed) In the past. Jurassic World lasted from 1999-2015 before the Indominus Rex took it down, before I took it down..."

"Father..." Casper said nervously.

"I was responsible for the downfall of Jurassic World. I made it so that Indominus could escape-"

"But why?" Casper asked.

"We needed a way to test its genetic capabilities!"

"BUT WHY WOULD YOU LET IT OUT PURPOSELY?!?!" Casper said enraged at his father.

"I just gave you the answer to that question."

"PEOPLE DIED, FATHER! Just so you can test some genetic capabilities! That's not what i would've done."

"What would you have done, Casper?" Dr. Wu asked.

"I- You're right. That was the only way to test its genetic capabilities..."

" I'm glad you agree. It was a sacrifice we had to make." 

"You're right, Father... I am ready to do our tests on the specimen. Will we draw blood first?" Casper asked. Doctor Wu turned around and to his surprise, the egg had hatched. He probably thought it was out running amuck. I quickly motioned Kara to climb into my pocket and only poke her head out, then the rest of my shirt would cover it. And she did. I looked over at Alli and Lexi. Lexi was in tears covering her mouth as though she were about to die. I rolled my eyes as I looked away, 'This isn't a life and death situation!' I thought. I pointed to the elevator which wasn't far from our position in the lab, About four feet or so. But there was one problem, we'd be exposed to Doctor Wu and his son.

I crawled about ten inches before Kara decided it was a good idea to climb up my shirt. She eventually got to my chest and grabbed the side of my bra and started biting it like a chew-toy. Before anything... Worse... happened, I slammed my back against another piece of lab equipment and reached into my shirt to get her out. when I grabbed her she looked at me and cocked her head. I got to the open elevator and motioned for the others to run to me but cover their faces when they got into the elevator. I hit the ground floor button as they ran toward me and Doctor Wu noticed us so we covered our faces. Dr. Wu started to run but the elevator doors closed just in time. Dr. Wu hadn't noticed that Kara was with me. When we got to the main floor, I told everybody to come to my room so we could discuss what might happen if Wu were to have seen our faces. Lets just hope he doesn't assume that we stole the Indoraptor, which we accidentally did...

My Light In The Dark ~ Book 1: Ripper's FuryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora