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Maisie POV

Suddenly, the car flipped. The roof of the car was now the floor, and the floor was now the roof. I fell onto the roof and Rain fell onto me as Ripper was reaching his hand in the back window to grab us. Lexi and Alli must have escaped through the window at the front of the car because they were nowhere to be found in the car.

I tilted my head enough so I could see the front door of the manor and I could see Lexi and Alli entering it.

"FOLLOW ME!" Rain yelled.

Rain got off of me and climbed through the shattered driver's window, which was closest to the manor, and helped me out of it.

"NOW RUN!" Rain yelled.

We ran as fast as we could to the door of the manor while Ripper was pinned by Kara. Ripper broke free and started chasing us. When we reached the manor, we quickly shut the door, slamming it in Ripper's face.

"That was close. But where is Lexi and Alli?" I asked.

"They must've gone down to the lab!" Rain replied.

"Come on, Maisie, Lets go down. We should be safe there. If we are safe there, we can sleep, and deal with Ripper tomorrow!" Rain said.

Then, a giant hand smashed through the door, just missing our heads.

"Go quietly to the elevator!" Rain whispered.

We ran toward the elevator and about half way through the library, Lexi joined us, with a welcome surprise of a stick to the head.

"LEXI!" Rain yelled.

"OH MY GOSH, MAISIE I AM SO SORRY!" Lexi said, pleading for forgiveness.

 "How long have you...Gah... been in that... mph.. hiding place for, Lexi?" I asked.

"Like, however long you guys were in the Humvee!"

"And how long was that?" I asked.

"I don't know! A few minutes at the most!" Lexi snapped.

We got to the elevator and I opened the keypad and typed the code in, and the elevator opened.

"Get in!" Rain said.

I looked back at the door, as the elevator was closing, and couldn't make out a hand anymore. I would've heard Rippers movements if he were still at the door. We started descending and I eventually heard Alli scream.

The elevator opened and we saw Casper Wu and Henry Wu. Henry was packing up blood samples and tranquilizer darts. Casper was fighting Alli! Lexi went to Alli and helped her fight Casper while Rain and I ran over to Henry Wu and jumped on his back.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Henry yelled.

"We're stopping this!" Rain yelled.

Wu elbowed me off his shoulder and threw Rain to the ground.

Wu quickly grabbed the Indominus Rex rib, ran to the elevator and out the lab.

"HE GOT AWAY!" Rain yelled.

Suddenly we heard Lexi scream. We ran to the big room they were in and saw Casper kick Lexi to the ground, Alli next to her. Casper then began to put a knife up to Lexi's chin when Ripper entered the room from the other side, and roared at Casper.

"You get Alli, I'll get Lexi!" Rain whispered.

We ran into the room from the other side of Ripper, and Casper turned his head and we grabbed Lexi and Alli. As we began to drag them out of the room, Casper grabbed a tranquilizer gun and pointed them at Ripper and shot one into him, angering him.

"Oh crap!" Rain said.

"WE NEED TO GO FAST!" I yelled.

Casper started to run out of the room, but Ripper grabbed him and threw him down onto the ground. Rain, Lexi, Alli, and I exited the room, closed the door and locked it from the outside. We ran to the elevator as fast as we could and when it opened, we frantically hopped in.

Casper backed up to the locked door and realized he had nowhere to run, and that he was trapped. The other door was to far away for him to go to, but he decided to try anyway! He stood up and ran towards the door, but since the room was pretty long, the Indoraptor was quick to slice his Achilles tendon open, tripping him and causing a lot of pain. Casper was quick to get to his feet once more, severly limping. This time, the Indoraptor wasn't playing... He grasped Caspers arm and slammed him against the wall, Once, Twice, Three times! Until the Indoraptor had broken pretty much every bone in Caspers body. The Indoraptor nuzzled Casper as he was crying before roaring in his face. Casper had nowhere to go but the Indorapptor's stomach. The Indoraptor grabbed Caspers head in his jaws and started to squeeze as Casper screamed. The Indoraptor tilt his head until he heard a snap! The Indoraptor had broken Casper Wu's neck, and left the body to be eaten by flies...

My Light In The Dark ~ Book 1: Ripper's FuryWhere stories live. Discover now