The Word in Iris' Mouth

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Maisie POV...

The day after I met Rain was pretty boring aside from the fact that I ALMOST got to go see the lab in our basement. I had discovered when I heard Mr. Mills talking on the phone with an older man about something about the dinosaurs going on in the basement. Mr. Mills saw me eavesdropping and decided to lock me in my room AGAIN! I hate it when he does that. He usually leaves me in there for two to three hours depending on the "Misbehaving" that I do. I've found a way out of my room though, All I have to do is go out on the balcony and on the sides on the outside there is a little ledge of witch I can climb onto and access the roof. Rain and I have gone up to the roof a number of times at night to stargaze.


Maisie POV

tonight, Rain and I plan to stargaze again but I've decided the lab in the basement would be more fun, and adventurous!

Rain POV... 

It is almost August, I'm eleven. Maisie and I were going to go stargazing on the roof tonight, but she wants to go into the basement for some reason! Maybe we'll find the traditional "White Ghost!" 

Maisie POV

"RAIN DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW EXCITED I AM?!?!" I said with obvious excitement! "Excuse me for a second but it's just a dusty crappy basement!" He said. I thought it was a little disrespectful how he said it but I'm twelve so I don't really care.

19:58 PM

Maisie POV

"Ok, this way. Toward the library!" I said  to Rain as he followed me down the corridor toward the library. I looked down from the balcony in the library and saw a man and Mr. Mills talking. I could tell they were up to no good. "I don't like the way their talking." I spoke up."What? Why? They're probably just talking about adult things, such as the dinosaurs safety and how they'll rescue them!" Rain said staring at my hand. Dang it, he noticed how tight I was gripping the railing! "We can't make it to the lab now!" I said furiously.

"What lab?" Rain said in confusion. Dang it, He hadn't been told of the lab in the basement yet!

"Why- you'll see. Just... Don't freak out no matter what you see. Promise?" I asked.

"Of course! Unless I see a corpse then I'll be fine!" He said right back. My immediate reaction to somebody promising something so big like that would be to hug them and tell them thank you but that was not the case here. "Maisie!... Maisie!... Maisie come out!" It was Iris. Rain and I just stared at each other helplessly. If she were to find us we'd be in trouble for spying on Mr. Mills!

"YEET!!!" Rain yelled, taking the words right out of my mouth. "Come on! I know where we can be spotted by Iris and not get in trouble!" I said. We ran back down the corridor that we came from, turned the corner and there were the stairs. We started to slow down, but then we bumped into Iris.

"Ah, there you are, Maisie! Now, send your friend home it's time for you to go see your grandfather and then go straight to your room and get ready for bed!"

"But it's not even Nine o'clock!" I said back.

 "Maisie!!! I will not have any of your sh*- crap tonight! Go to your grandfather, tell him good night then at least go to your room!" Iris said I knew what word she stopped herself from saying. I've heard Mr. Mills say it countless times over the phone. That's how I always knew he was up to no good... Rain whispered something in my ear just as Iris left and I couldn't quite hear what he said.

 "What?" I asked.

"Is there any way to get to the balcony of your room from outside that isn't from the roof?" He asked. He still wanted to go see the lab. Or stargaze!

"I'm afraid not." I replied. 

"Well than meet me at the front of the house at 10:29 and let me in. Ok?"

"Oh... Okay." I hesitantly replied.

My Light In The Dark ~ Book 1: Ripper's FuryWhere stories live. Discover now