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Most character rights go to Universal.

Indoraptor name right goes to YouTuber, Alteori. Please subscribe to her, and maybe tell her you came from me!

OC's (Original characters that I created such as Rain, Lexi, Alli, and Kara. (I came up with the name, not the creature Kara is) belong to me. Please ask before you use them in a book.

Special thanks to: All you Wattpaders that supported me, my best friends whom I love dearly and couldn't live without! My Nana, Universal Studios, Michael Crichton (RIP), and Steven Spielberg.

If you like this content, subscribe to my YouTube channel, Catsrule123abc! Comment on one of my videos if you came from here or not so I'll actually know if people read this section! xD 

Thank you all so much!

Dedicated to my best friends, whether they be near, or far!

My Light In The Dark ~ Book 1: Ripper's FuryWhere stories live. Discover now