"I can't believe what we found..."

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 Maisie POV

"Wow. I can't believe that Henry Wu was the cause of Jurassic Worlds downfall. I was there when it all happened..." Rain said. I could tell tears were swelling up in his eyes and he wanted to cry.  I quickly hugged him and he did start crying. "Doctor Wu's just full of BS. Therefore he's lying." I lied hoping to calm Rain down. He didn't believe my lies. I stopped hugging him and he looked at me strangely for a moment before kissing me once more. Luckily I had confiscated Lexi and Alli's phones before any pictures were put on social media. I let Kara out of my hand so she could roam around my room a little. "I wonder how long it'll take her to grow!" I said.

"Maisie?" Rain asked.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "I lost my grandma a Jurassic World... And she was the one who took me." Rain said. I guess that's the reason he was in tears. It wasn't about Jurassic World, it was about his grandparents. "Do you still have a grandpa?" Alli asked. Rain shook his head. He looked at the door, stood up off the bed and went over to my door and put his ear up against it. "There's somebody out there!" He whispered. "Who is it?!?" I asked. "It sounds like Doctor Wu's son!" Rain replied. "Guys, you need to hide!" I said. "WHAT ABOUT YOU?!?!" Rain said not wishing for me to get caught. "I'll get under the covers of my bed and pretend to be sleeping!" I said reassuringly. "Okay. But what about that thing?" He said. He was talking about Kara. "Kara?" I asked. "Yeah what about her?" Rain said. "I'll try to hide her with me." I said. "Okay. Good luck!" He said. He grabbed my hand and then kissed it.

"Come on, Alli. Come on Lexi." Rain said. "Yes, sir!" Lexi and Alli replied. "Don't call me sir." He said to them. Then he looked at me and smirked, referring to when I told Lexi and Alli not to call me ma'am. Rain opened the doors that led to my balcony and climbed on the side after closing the doors back. I quickly took off my shoes and put them next to my night stand and climbed into my bed. I had forgotten to grab Kara. I heard the sound of the lock being picked and started shaking. the doorknob began to turn after the lockpicking sound was done. I quickly shuffled around trying to find Kara as she was not on my bed. BAM! The door opened, smacking against the wall making me flinch. "I wonder where a good place to put this knife would be... Maybe in a heart, an animal or a HUMAN heart!" Doctor Wu's son said, coming closer to my bed, coming toward me. I quickly flipped the sheets off myself and kicked the knife out of his hand, kicked him and then caught the knife. As I pointed the knife at him I backed up until I got to the door to the balcony. When I reached it, I opened it and yelled. "GUYS!"

They all crawled back from the roof and looked at Dr Wu's son in surprise. "You're Casper right?" Rain asked. "Who's asking? Because whoever asks I kill!" Casper said before screaming in agony. "KARA!" I yelled.

Female Indoraptor (Kara) POV

"GET AWAY FROM MAMA AND DADA!!!" I yelled as i bit this other creature that was the same species as Mama. I was not her species but I knew she was meant to be my Mama because of the way she touched me in that blue room.

Maisie POV

Casper took another knife from his fanny-pack and threw it, aiming at me. he missed, angering Rain. "WHY YOU LITTLE-" He said as he kicked Casper in the stomach. I quickly grabbed Kara as she was still on Casper's leg. when i grabbed her she looked at me as if saying, 'Oh okay we're doing this now... Cool.' As Lexi, Alli and I ran side-by-side, Rain fell off the balcony but was still holding on to the railing. "NOO!!!" I yelled. Casper was about to punch Rain, Making him let go and fall. I ran over to him and pushed Casper onto the roof below us...(as it was just about under my balcony)...trying not to kill him, and grabbed Rain and pulled him up. All that old people stuff with Iris payed off I guess! "YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!!!" Casper said evilly looking at us as we were leaving the balcony. He threw another knife which hit rain in the arm. I linked arms with Rain and he and I limped out of the room, We started for the front door but just before we reached it, Rain collapsed! "HOLY SHEET!" I yelled.

"What are we going to do with him?!" Alli asked.

"I guess we'll have to have a sleepover... Will his parents be okay with that?" I replied.

"His parents don't give a crap about him. Their drug addicts and they abuse him! That's why he acts so tough on the outside. He is very strong on the inside as well... Just not as strong as he looks..." Lexi and Alli explained. "Oh... Okay... You guys take him back to my room this time." I said.

 "Where will he sleep though?" Lexi asked.

"Where will you guys sleep?!!" I replied.

"We'll figure it out when we get there!" Lexi said.

My Light In The Dark ~ Book 1: Ripper's FuryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora