Chapter 4

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Khadija's POV.

After telling the boys good night I went downstairs to see what was happening. I met the girls dancing, I joined them. They were all using either Snapchat or a normal camera to video themselves. We kept on dancing till it was time for us to go back home.

We went home with our cousins and their friends that were staying with us till the wedding because their house was filled up with people.

Even the bride had to come with us, when we got home we went to the bath, while others were jeering. I was the last person to bathe, we all prayed after praying I went to bring snacks from the kitchen and I kept them on the center table for them to pick what they wanted to eat.

I took my Pringles, chocolate ad popcorn while watching a movie, and the others were playing. As I was watching my movie quietly my cousins and their friends were giggling and holding their phones up.

I then asked them what they were doing. They said Snapchat of course. I told them not to do that to me.

Then they started saying that the way I love Indian and Korean movies "bah sai a hankali"

I was smiling while they kept videoing me.

I use a pillow to cover my face then I dropped it to make a cute face with a peace sign.

They all said they will post it. I smiled and I stood up to take all the empty cans and put them on the tray I brought. They were still videoing me. I told them they were lucky I had my cap on if not I would have killed them.

They laughed and kept following me to the kitchen saying it's fun to video me.

I did the dishes and I went back to my movie.  It was getting creepy because they were not stopping. I turned the TV off and went to my room. They entered too and started saying this is the room of the princess.

I was smiling because it was always clean then I played on the bed switching off the light but they were pestering me by switching it on.

I just lied down covering my eye with my cap I ignored them making them leave me finally.

The next morning when I woke up I went to wake my cousins up and their friends. I was alone in my room I told them to stand up and pray.

I woke up by 5:00 am they all went to pray I then went to wake my parents and the bride I had prayed already I  played on the bed.

When they were done we started talking. Then my cousins remembered that they left their Anko at home.

I then had to drive back to their house to get it.  They did not want to dress at home  I went to their house secretly, got their dresses, and left without anyone noticing.

I was very happy and immediately I left the house. I entered my car and zoomed off.

When I got home I took my bath and got dressed because my cousins had showered already and were waiting for their clothes, pitchers.

I was still getting ready for the Nikkah because we were to go to the mosque.

I finished getting ready, I took my hijab with me and drove my cousins and the bride to the mosque with my parents.

Aunt and Uncle's cars were either in the front or at the back making us be in the middle.

We got to the mosque and went to the female side of the mosque. I was going to the mosque with my hijab when the bride AKA my cousin called me to help her that was when I noticed that she was walking alone I gladly helped her out of the car then I locked it.

We were going inside the mosque, someone called her name we turned and saw our male cousins. She pulled her veil up then smiled. They then said by the time she comes out of the mosque she will be a Mrs not a Miss anymore.  She smiled and they left, we entered the mosque too.

When we came out we all congratulated her. When we got to the car I removed my hijab and tied my scarf we were singing back home.

When we got home we ate and took a short nap.  By evening we started getting ready for the wedding reception. I had to help the bride dress up first before I could dress.

By the time we finished dressing the bride, the rest had left already not to the venue but our cousins' house, from there they would go to the venue.

I still had to check the venue up so I dropped the bride off and went to the venue. I had to check the venue because my mum was supposed to do so but she said I should go and tell them what to do and what to not.

I went to the venue checked the preparation told them what to do and when it was almost time for people to start coming I went back home to dress. After dressing I went back to the venue my cousins were asking where I went.

I told them and they were happy. I came back early. I went back to the hall to check the preparation when my mum told me that my dad left his babanriga and phone at home I said okay and was about to go when my mom called me back and told me to go with Jallal.

I refused but my mom told me that my dad was the one who told me to just go with him. I was a daddy's girl, I had to obey when I got home I took my dad's babanriga.

When I was about to go I saw the bride's fan so I had to pick that. Also, my mum then called me to that I had to pick my best friend from the airport.

I was happy because the airport was close to the hall. When I got there I told her to come fast I told her where the car was and she came to meet us there.

When she entered I was very happy we were jesting then I remembered that I did not introduce her to Jallal as I did so we continued our jist and I found out that her clothes were with my mum. When we got there she changed and came to meet me.

The rest, we had our grand entrance and we were all dancing and singing when it was time for us to go home. 

We went home, prayed, showered the bride and my parents went to sleep because they were tired.

While I got snacks again for us all today we were all listing.

Aisha asked a very stupid annoying question at that point I knew I was dead.

She asked if Jallal likes me (You know that kind of thing that your cousin might like you or you guys don't talk much then your other cousins will start shipping the both of you it's so annoying he only said he had a crush on me when we were young not now)  and they started mocking me and saying rubbish.

I had to deny what they were saying. In the middle of the argument someone was by the door I knew no one would open the door so I had to pack my hair and wear a cap to check who was at the door and then boom, it was Mr annoying they will so kill me me me today. "Na Shiga uku"

(I'm in trouble) I facepalmed myself. He then asked me if I was okay.

I said in a low voice "make nema yanzu"
(what are you looking for here)

He then asked me ''kika ce'' (what did you say) I smiled and said "nace ka shigo, muna murna dan kazo"
(I said come in we are happy you are here).



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Jamila ❤

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