Before you Read

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Before you Read

Hello! Here's another story but I got to clear out a lot before you read.

This is not really written by me it's written by Voltage Inc. found it on the app store it's a story mode kind of game, anime. I really fell in love with this one and wanted to share it here with you guys.

It is written by them but I made a few changes, I wanted to write this in One Direction form. Changed the characters and the cities. Added a few things here and there but this story isn't fully mine.

Just wanted to clear that out (:

I wanted to recreate it making it One Direction. These story games give you the option to choose who you want to end up with, there are five main guys that appear throughout the whole series. There are extra guys on there that you can end up with so I picked out some guys to play them (;

There are four seasons, mostly five different stories in each then a couple extra from the other guys.

The first season will be the first book, in this case this one. All the boys' story will be on here. You don't have to read them all, but also you don't have to pick just one. It's your choice if you want to read the whole thing to wonder what would happen if you pick this one or the other.

The main prologue will stay at the beginning. The continued prologue is of who you chose apparently in the game, but on here I will post them in order how I think it's accurate to read if you're reading all.

The order will go as; Zayn, Liam, Harry, Niall then Louis and the extra guy on this part is Cole Sprouse, so you can end up with him too but he only has one part.

Other celebrities are included to play minor roles, I will post the characters at the start of every prologue of the continuation to the guys' story, there are a lot but you will see who will appear on which story.

I'm putting Nina Dobrev to play the main girl, but you can imagine her as whoever you want, even yourself, if you want to picture yourself go ahead :D in the game it is supposed to be you after all.

You also make decisions like a choice to pick A, B, or C. I will write it on how I pick.

I paid for all of them to be honest, the only free versions you get to read on that app are the main prologues of each season, then the first episode of every part. So yeah I wasted money wish it was free lol.

The setting on there is Japan I believe, but I'm making it L.A for the story. The hotel name I'll make that up. Some of the names I might keep if I can't come up with some, the rest of the names most all of them will be the celebrities' names so it won't be much confusion. Except for Nina's her name is changed to Natalie.

I don't own any of the celebrities, characters, or the story, I'm posting it here for fun for you guys to read. The ones I read where the one for Harry and Zayn, and I love them both. I hope you guys have fun reading them.

Check out Voltage Inc. they are amazing, I love these stories, and they make more I believe but this one I been reading it since 2016 I think haha.

I will post a lot depending on how I feel, like if I can't focus on my other stories you'll get from this one.

Also! The chapters will be so long!! I'm sorry in advance, I calculated all the chapters that can be possible, and there could be around 178 not sure yet. So I can't really cut the chapters in two because I'm not sure if I can post more than 200 parts on a book.

So chapters will be super long omfg. The range is from 1,600-3,700 words long probably...

Don't get confused when you're done with Zayn's then go on to Liam's and you're all back to the beginning, I'm posting all their parts.

Let's see which one you like better :D

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