Zayn: Happy Ending

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There are two types of endings, Happy and Good :) this is the first ending. The endings are similar at the beginning but they change when Zayn makes the girl choose so they end differently 


Zayn/S1/Happy Ending

The next morning, I check the news on my cell phone. Dempsey Holdings' bankruptcy and fraudulent business practices is the top story.

President Dempsey cooked the books to inflate his profits and he's being investigated for violating the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law. The Malik Group isn't mentioned at all.

I guess Det. Tomlinson used his police connections to keep Zayn's name out of the news. Whatever the case, it seems this incident is being treated as corrupt business practices.

"What's wrong? You look serious. Did you get some bad news or something?" Barbara questions me.

"No, I was just checking the morning news."

"Natalie, are you all right?" Barbara asks hesitantly, and I know she's talking about Zayn.

I smile and nod.

"Thanks. I'm fine now."

I haven't seen him yet, but...

After I got back to the hotel the other day, Zayn wasn't in the penthouse.

I have to talk to him today.

I'll try seeing him again today after work. I decide, and then I leave the locker room.


I got to the hotel lobby and see Zayn there, going upstairs. There are a ton of groupies accompanying him, as usual.

Our eyes meet for an instant.

He looks away and I watch his back as he continues up the stairs.

It seems like ages ago when I went to the I.V.C. with him. Everything seemed so scary back then, but also like some kind of dream.

I caught a glimpse of his dazzling world. I know that Zayn and I live two very different lives. But even still...

I love him...

"Morning, Natalie."

"Oh, good morning, Paul."

Before I tell Zayn how I feel, I need to give Paul an answer.

"Paul, do you think we could talk after work today?" I add.

"Sure. How about the boardwalk again?"

"That sounds good. I'm sorry, I know you're busy."
"Don't be ridiculous. I always have time for you, Natalie."

Paul's such a sweet guy, but...

I feel a pang in my chest as I promise to meet him tonight.


I'm nervous...

That night.

I finish up work first so I go to the boardwalk to wait for Paul.

I want to hurry and see Zayn, but first I need to give Paul an answer.

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