Zayn: Episode 4

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Zayn/S1/Episode: 4

The biggest event of the year, the International VIP Convention, has come to a close. Even though things are getting back to normal at the hotel, my life is anything but ordinary.

"Natalie, about the members of that group staying on the 9th and 10th floors," Taylor walks up to me down the hall. "They're going to arrive sooner than expected. Can you go make up the beds?"

"Sure. What time will they be here?"

"1pm., at early check-in. Make sure you get it done in time."
"That only gives me an hour. I'm supposed to do it all by myself?"

"Everyone else is busy cleaning up after the I.V.C.," she huffs. "And since you enjoyed the party so much, you should be working harder than anyone. So go ahead and take care of it," she smiles as she pushes a guest room cleaning checklist into my hands and goes upstairs.

I feel like she gets meaner every day, but I can't let it interfere with my work. I need to do my best!

I cheer myself on as I start making the beds.


After I make every single bed on two floors, it's already past lunchtime when I can finally take a break. I'm the only one in the break room as I take a late lunch.

"I'm glad I got it done before the guests arrived," I sigh to myself. "It's a little late for lunch, but I'd better eat."

I lay my sandwich and juice out on the table when the break room door opens.

"Oh? You're just now having lunch, Natalie?" Mr. Wesley looks at me surprised.

"Yes, I had to make the beds for the early check-in guests," I tell him.

"That's right, the members of that group staying here had a sudden change of schedule. Did you take care of it all yourself?"

"I only made the beds of the rooms that had already been cleaned."

"I see. But that was still two entire floors. You must be exhausted."

Mr. Wesley sits across from me and sets down some rice balls and tea on the table.

"Mind if I eat with you?"

"Of course not! I'd love to have lunch together, Mr. Wesley!"

"You can call me Paul," he laughs.


"Isn't it a little awkward calling me Mr. Wesley? Just Paul's fine. It's easier that way, right?"

"Are you sure? Paul...?"

I called him by his first name.

After I shyly say his name, a tender smile spreads across his face.

"If you ever need anything, you can always come talk to me. Like if someone forces you to do too much work."

"Oh.... Thank you..."

He's concerned about me cleaning two floors by myself.

"Here you go. Something to cheer you up," he places a piece of round, clear candy on the table.

"That's the kind of candy I see you giving to the guests' children."

"Eating something sweet always makes you feel better when you're tired," he chuckles.

Kissed by the Baddest Bidder (1.D)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang