Zayn: Epilogue Episode 2

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Zayn/S1/Epilogue/Episode 2

"Sit down," Zayn orders as soon as we enter the pool area.

"Are you sure? But the pool is already closed," I say.

"This is my hotel. Who's going to complain?"

Zayn sits in a lounge chair by the side of the pool and opens up a bottle of champagne.

I wasn't expecting to have drinks at the hotel pool.

"That one guy turned on the lights for us, didn't he?" He grins.

"Such bad timing..."

I can't believe we had to ask Paul.

"You still thinking about him?"

"That's not it, but he is my boss, so..."

"You were wise to not choose him," Zayn smiles a bit.

"I'd already made my decision to turn him down and tell you how I felt."

"I like your dedicated personality," he smiles, a glass of champagne in his hand. It makes me so happy to see his real smile and not a cold one.

"The water looks good," I put down my glass and dip my toes into the pool. "Do you guys use this pool a lot?"

"When we have time. I think Harry comes here on the lookout for women a lot."

"Pfft, that sounds like him."

I enjoy the feel of the water on my skin for a while and hear him set his glass on the table.

"Let's go."
"Oh, okay."

I take my feet out of the water and go to stand up when my body suddenly sways.

Huh? I'm going to fall into the pool!

"Hey!" Zayn runs over and grabs my hand.


Oh no, I'm pulling on his hand!


"I-I'm so sorry!" I apologize.

"Tch, I can't believe I fell in the pool," he says.

Zayn's clothes are completely drenched, but he easily lifts me out of the pool.

He looks so unbelievably gorgeous as he brushes his wet hair off of his face.

He is so hot. It's like I'm watching a TV drama or something.

"You're drunk, aren't you?" He snickers.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize until I tried to stand up. I was feeling a little spacey, though."

"Tch. Normally I'd ask you to get down on your hands and knees and apologize. Why do you have such a dumb look on your face? I'm soaking wet because of you."

"I'm sorry, your hair is all wet and I couldn't stop staring at you..."

"I don't forgive you."


He pulls my wet body towards him and his lips come closer. He teases my mouth open with his thumb and gives me a kiss that takes my breath away.

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