Zayn: His POV Episode 4

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Zayn/S1/His POV/Episode 4

The deal has gone through with Benson, and I've just seen him off at the airport. The gang's all here in the penthouse to celebrate the successful deal.

"Gaining Benson's trust is a huge coup. Congrats," Liam tells me.

"Everything went according to plan, that's all," I say it like it's no big deal, but even I'm surprised at my good mood.

I wasn't sure how it was going to work out there for a while...

Natalie was much more useful than I expected.

It wasn't a bad idea keeping her around.

Our eyes meet, but for some reason she glances away.

"Natalie, pour my drink," I tell her.

"O-of course," her hand trembles slightly as she picks up the bottle, and I can tell she's nervous.

Why is she nervous now? What a strange girl...

Our eyes meet, and again she looks away from me shyly.

What is it?

Her cheeks are slightly tinged with pink. Apparently she's embarrassed about something.

Oh, maybe she's still hung up on that kiss from before.

When Benson had doubts that we were actually a couple, I kissed her to convince him.

But after that in the elevator...

I didn't have to kiss her... That wasn't to prove anything to anyone.

Why did I do that? Lately I don't understand some of the things I'm doing... But that flustered look on her face afterwards wasn't bad.

Strangely, her normally plain face actually looked cute to me then. I think as I look at her, and we lock eyes again.

She looked away from me again! I know she's just being self-conscious, but it doesn't feel good when she keeps avoiding my gaze.

"If you want to stare at my face so badly, why don't I get a little closer?" I smirk teasing her.

"N-no thank you!"

I move my face so close to hers and our lips almost touch.

"H-hey!" She turns bring red and she looks so cute, a smile just naturally appears on my lips.

She does look cute to me now.

What the hell is wrong with me?



Natalie drank too much too fast, and now she's passed out drunk.

You had too much to drink, idiot.

Every time she made eye contact with me, she drained her glass trying to cover up her embarrassment.

"This woman is way too naïve," Liam snickers.

"She's so vulnerable...," Niall adds. "When dogs trust you, they look vulnerable like this too, and they sleep on their back with their stomach out," he giggles.

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