Zayn: Episode 9

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Zayn/S1/Episode: 9

"Bad girls like you who make me lonely deserve to be punished."

Just when I realize Zayn's face is coming closer, he presses his lips against mine.

No way... He's kissing me?! And in the hotel lobby, in front of everyone!

Zayn continues kissing me, unconcerned with my lack of composure, and the stares of the Bensons and Paul.


As he breaks apart from our long kiss, Zayn pretends to notice the Bensons for the first time.

"Oh, Mr. Benson! Ashley! I'm so embarrassed... I didn't realize you were here!" Zayn smiles at them.

"Ashley, things are just fine between these two!" Mr. Benson frowns at his daughter.

"But...! I'm telling you, Natalie was with that man over there! You saw them too, right, Liam?!"


"She said she needed his advice about something related to work, so I allowed her to go with him. I'm sorry I made you worry," Zayn explains.

"What?! That's what happened??" Ashley questions.

"Please forgive me for the commotion, Mr. Benson," Zayn adds.

"No, I'm sorry Ashley jumped to conclusions. Let's go, Ashley."

"Wait, Daddy!"

"Let's go back to our room, Natalie," Zayn smiles at me.


Zayn pulls me by the hand towards the penthouse elevator. I feel Paul's eyes on me, but I can't bring myself to turn around.


"That was going too far, kissing me in front of everyone!" I tell Zayn as soon as we're inside the elevator.

"I had to do what was necessary in order to convince Benson. And whose fault do you think that was?"

"I... I'm sorry."

"I wouldn't even call that a kiss."


He turns towards me.

He puts his hands on my shoulders and pushes me up against the glass wall of the elevator.

"This is a real kiss," Zayn grabs my chin. And before I even have time to resist, his lips are on mine.

"Mmm... Ah!"

His lips press against mine in a deep kiss, wetting my lips.

This kiss is completely different!

"Haah... Ahh..."

My entire body goes limp. I've never been kissed like this before, and I start panting.

Just then the elevator reaches the penthouse with a 'Ding!"

"Go back to your own room today," he pushes me away and gets off the elevator.


The elevator door closes.

"What... was that kiss?!"

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