Zayn: Episode 2

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Zayn/S1/Episode: 2

After everyone is gathered in the lounge, Mr. Malik says...

"I've decided how I'm going to use this woman."

"What?" My eyes widen.

"She's going to be my girlfriend," he smiles.

I can't believe my ears. It must be the same for the others, because there's a long pause before they react.

"Are you serious?" Liam questions.

"Yeah," Zayn simply replies shrugging his shoulders that smile still plastered on him.

"I knew you had a thing for Natalie, Boss," Harry chuckles.

"I hope you don't have an ulterior motive," Niall smiles.

"Of course he has one," the detective scoffs.

"H-hang on a second," I put my hands out before I realize something...

Oops, I spoke without permission! I'm going to get in trouble again!

Mr. Malik stares at me as I stay silent.

"Why are you so quiet? You're my woman. Speak freely," Zayn says as I'm just surprised with his sudden words.

"What? O-okay," I reply.

I'm confused because I didn't expect him to say that, but I manage to pull myself together.

"But if I'm going to be your girlfriend, what about the woman who was just here?" I question.

"What about her?" Mr. Malik asks, a puzzled expression on his face.

"Um, aren't you in a relationship with her?"

"I don't have relationships with women."

"Then why were you alone together?" I keep on asking not thinking twice.

"She approached me, so I entertained her. That's it."

That's terrible...

"But what exactly do you mean by me being your girlfriend? What about my job and my apartment and..."

Mr. Malik takes his cell phone out of his pocket and places a call.

Who is he calling?

"It's me. Come to the penthouse lounge immediately," he orders.

About two minutes later, someone enters the room.

What?! Mr. Dornan, the manager?!
"I'm sorry for the delay," the manager apologizes.

"For the time being...," Mr. Malik says. "What was your name again?"

Huh? Harry and Niall called me by my name. Didn't he hear?

"...Natalie Santos," I answer.

"I'll be using Natalie here for the time being," Mr. Malik tells Mr. Dornan. "She'll have to be excused from work occasionally."

"Of course, sir," Mr. Dornan smiles at him.

"Also... I'll be taking Natalie to the boutique downstairs to do some shopping."

"Of course. It will be ready in five minutes."

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